
Friday, October 8, 2010

I simply remember my favorite things…Friday’s favs…I’m lovin’ jute webbing placemats.

I love the webbing I’ve been seeing on different decor blogs and some of the crafts it’s been used in.

Best of all, it’s only 67 cents a yard at Walmart.

So when I wanted a little something to sit on top of Old Blue to perch some fall decor on, I thought of that webbing.

I cut four strips 18 inches long, and five strips the width of the other strips, and basket weaved them together into a rectangle.

At this point nothing held them together.

Then I used Heat n Bond and ironed on some quilt binding around the four edges.

If I was a perfectionist I would have mitered the corners…which you can clearly see that I am not…

because in the end, when all was said and done, I ended up getting out the glue gun and using it in spots where the fusing didn’t fuse…

and that is what I call


This same idea, on a bigger scale, would make such a cute table runner, don’t you think?

Maybe even a whole set of placemats…hmmm.










Still following,


I’m linking here~

Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays


  1. Very cool! I wonder if I could do that with wipeable vinyl so they would be easy to clean...

  2. Love your creativity, my friend! Your little piece is wonderful. Having a tendency toward wanting it all just right (!) mine would not be finished and the season would pass. Yours, however, is finished - and so nice! I'm trying to learn a lesson here.

  3. I love this mat! You are so creative.

    Referring to your comment on my blog, Your eye for the angles will get better and better as you start to think "outside the box." And you can usually adjust your angles somewhat in a photo editing program. I first started doing the angled look when I was trying to get all of a tall church with steeple in a picture. Of course, you can get more in it, if it is angled. It is better not to angle it after you take it, but sometimes I adjust it just a little bit.

    Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you--He is the great teacher--I know He will do it and you are already such a great photographer, it should come pretty easily for you.

    Love you dear friend,

  4. Cool! Love the decor and of course the song. Thank you!

    Care for some Coffee with Jesus?


  5. I love it! I've loved your last three posts; I had to read them all at once! Your eyes are always open to see what Jesus sees.

  6. And yet again a creative blog friend comes up with something that would have whooshed right past my idea box unnoticed.

    I love this idea and agree that it would make a great runner and placemats. How you have used it, though, is really perfect. Great project!!


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