
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It’s a giveaway of Beth Moore’s Jesus~90 days with the One and Only…

It’s been quite a while since I’ve had a giveaway…

and what better to give on a blog called

just following Jesus

than a copy of Beth Moore’s

Jesus~90 Days with the One and Only!


It is a beautiful book with daily scripture readings as well as journaling type prompts for each day.





I’m going to give you lots of ways to get a chance to win…

~become a follower if you aren’t already

~leave a comment

~grab my blog button and put it on your sidebar

~do a blog post about the giveaway and link back here

(If you do the last two, be sure to tell me about it in your comment.)

So if you did all four of the above your name will be put in the drawing four times!

Be sure I have a way to contact you if you win.

Winner will be announced two weeks from today!

I hope YOU win!


Still following,



  1. I don't actually use my blog yet since I had Jimmy-Jack but I shared the giveaway on Facebook.
    Thanks for this awesome chance!

  2. I am now a follower of your blog and I invited some people from my address book to follow also.

    I posted the button on my facebook but I am not sure if it worked...I will keep trying on that one.

    This looks like an awesome book! I love Beth Moore and would love the chance to be entered into this drawing...thanks for giving one away- hopefully to me! :) ~Karie

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    I thought I was already following your blog... I am now! I will do a share on FB as well.

    This looks like a beautiful book. It is going on my Christmas list I think.

    Blessings to you!

  4. Her Bible study by the same name remains one of my very favorite ones even years after doing it.

    I love the way God uses her. It's amazing.

    I would love this journal, and I'm a follower.

  5. What a great give-away! I would love to spend 90 days with this book. I'm a follower.

  6. I would love to win this ...we are doing a ladies bible study now Beth Moore's beleiving GOD ..our faith statement
    GOD is who he says he is
    GOD can do what he says he can
    I am what GOD says I am
    I can do all things thur him
    GOD is active and alive in me !!!!

  7. I am a follower and enjoy your blog so
    much. I have wanted to read this book
    as I love everything by Beth. I was
    going to buy it eventually but now I
    will wait and see if I might win.

  8. I just did a blog about your give away

  9. I left a comment, did a blog , and I am a follower of your blogs , and am trying to put your button on my sidebar ...

  10. What a great give away! I am already one of your newest followers.
    Have a wonderful day!

  11. I am a follower, even though I have never posted a comment before. I love Beth Moore, we are doing a study at church right now called Breaking Free. I started the one called Believing God at home, but didn't finish it. I think after this one I am going to do Believing God at church. It will keep me accountable. Would love to win this book. Have a great day in the Lord!

  12. This is Great! Yes, I'm leaving a comment, will do a blog post latter and am sharing a note on facebook at:

  13. I am follower and would LOVE chance to win the book of Beth's!! Anything she does is soo very anointed! Thank you for this opportunity

  14. We just did this study over the summer. It is one of my favorites, and ironically, I was planning a post about it for today!

  15. I'm following now. Thank you for this offer.

  16. Beautiful book. Would love to read it.

  17. I am a follower first of Jesus and then you and other favorite bloggers. Just love Beth Moore and would love to have the book.

    Blessings to you Elizabeth,


  18. I am now a follower. I love Beth Moore and have contemplated asking for this book for Christmas.

  19. Our little mountain lady's church group has done several of the Beth Moore studies. Right now, we're doing the life of Paul: "To Live is Christ." Each one has been a blessing--really immersing us in the Word of God. I know this journal will bless whoever receives it. Thanks for your beautiful blog, Elizabeth!

  20. Elizabeth,
    The creation glorifying it's Creator is an unending source of worship and joy to me!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

  21. Beth Moore--awesome teacher! What an awesome giveaway. Be great to win to help build my soul even more!

  22. I love Beth's books and bible studies. Thank you for such a great opportunity to get one.

  23. I am a new follower. From one Nanna to another.......wish me luck!!

  24. Oh yeah, I am getting your button and would love for you to hop over to see me and get mine!!

  25. New to the blog I'm one of your Siesta's and am looking forward to getting on your blog and getting to know you. I'm new to blogging so not certain how to do anything but comment and add your link to my favorites and then read read read and read some more. blessings to you Very sweet of you to give away a book by the way, but I'm just thrilled to find your blog I'm loving the music.

  26. I found your pantry organizing idea and enjoyed browsing your blog.

  27. Beth Moore is truly annointed by God. We have been doing bible studies from her in my women's group at my church and I know that through what she teaches on, has blessed all of us. Her studies touch the heart and it has enabled us to open up, share, encourage one another, love one another, and come to know God on a more personal level knowing that He loves us so much. I would love this book and I thank you for being led to give it away.
    God Bless

  28. I've heard so many great things about Beth Moore, I bet this would be an awesome study guide to have!

  29. I am an avid follower and love Beth Moore, yes please sign me up.

  30. Elizabeth,
    Your words are so eloquent. You remind me to be thankful for daily routines with my little blessings, and the fleeting moments that I need to savor. Your words make me to be mindful in all my days. Thank you for sharing your life. I absolutely adore your recent post from NC. You are such an inspiration.
    In Christ,

  31. Your blog is one email that I make sure to read. It is chock full of wisdom and love. I especially love your comments about your grandchildren.

    Ellen Moore


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