
Saturday, October 9, 2010

New blog design…

I’ve had a blog makeover…I’m worse than a woman re-arranging her living room furniture!

My new blog design was done by Debi at Blog Togs.

My previous blog design was done by Traci at graphic designs by Traci.

My experience with both of these ladies was absolutely wonderful.

Both are so patient, and will tweak things until they are just the way you want.

Both are very reasonably priced.

You will not go wrong with either one if you are wanting blogging help.

Best of all both are wonderful Jesus followers that I am privileged to now call friends.

Still following,



  1. Elizabeth, looks great - I love your header pic.

  2. Dear Elizabeth,
    Love your new blog look and especially the way you have done the archives. You're using my favorite font too--

    I love blog design and used to change mine about every week if not more often--I am a furniture mover also--but don't do as much of that as I used to--smile!

    Really classy and beautiful--just like you!


  3. I meant the way you did the categories--I can find exactly what I want to find!! thanks

  4. Love your new 'do'! It's perfect! I change my blog often but not as often as I used to. Used to change my blog header about every two or three weeks. Love to change things up to I keep everyone guessing!

  5. As dear Dianne said, "really classy and

  6. Beautiful! But then I liked the other design as well. Both tastefully done.

  7. I've been so busy that I'm just getting to this.
    I would love a great new design! You can be an inspiration!


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