
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sowing seeds…



When I sow seeds of grumbling, murmuring, complaining, griping, I reap a harvest of negativity. 

The more I notice the negative, the more the negatives multiplies…

in myself, people around me, relationships, my circumstances.

When I sow seeds of gratitude, thankfulness, praise, I reap an abundance of things to be grateful for.

The more I notice the things that are lovely, praiseworthy, good…

the more the blessings multiply…

until my cup is full, pressed down, shaken together, running over.

Celebrating a year of gratitude gathering

with thanks to Ann

who led the way.




My continuing gratitude list # 661-#673


-a year of gratitude gathering


-ordered steps


-light in the darkness


-Jesus-healer of the wounded


-taking a risk


-Columbia River, the gem of the ocean, driving back and forth to our conference this week on beautiful Marine Drive




-dinner with dear Guatemalan pastor friends


-a dear friend’s prayers and life giving words


-the movie “Secretariat”- “run your race”


-a rainy Saturday morning and time with Jesus, remembering what He’s been saying to me these past weeks by going over my journal


-being confident of God’s love


-knowing, really knowing, that He “gets” me, quirkiness and all, and that I make Him smile


-a great Sunday-great worship, great word-I love my church family


-a great response for our upcoming ladies’ retreat




Gratefully yours,


joining the gratitude gatherers here~

holy experience


  1. I always need to pull my focus back to gratitude! Focusing on His ways never gets us in trouble, does it? Love your photos. Can't wait to see you again.

  2. This goes so well with the book I've been reading by Joyce Meyer--"Positive Thoughts". Thank you for posting this, it is so important to stay positive and have a heart of graditude.

  3. Beautiful list of gratitude to Father.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love this list and glad to know Secretariat is a good movie..hubby and I have it on our date night list.

  5. You have a wonderful list this week! I'm so excited for you that you got an excited reponse to your women's retreat, and I love your photos.

    I also loved your comment about negativity. It's SO TRUE!! I recently read a reminder that in an old photo "negatives", that which is dark is light and vice versa. If we want to find the TRUE picture of something, we should do what we would do to a photo negative. Hold it up to the light.

    Simplistic? Yes. True? Yes.

  6. What a beautiful post about being positive. Everything you said is so true!! Thank you for sharing. What lovely pictures!!

  7. This is my first visit to your blog. I love it! Thanks for the beautiful post today and for sharing your list.

    Amy @

  8. Thanks for visiting yesterday...I'm glad to be introduced to your blog! Lovely list.... blessings!

  9. Oh, the beautiful Columbia and Multnomah Falls--my favorite falls that I have ever witnessed--what a list, dear friend. Loving it and you,


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