She had no driver’s license, no job, and had just gotten out of the mental hospital when Daddy left her, left us. She had gone to the hospital because she was depressed and didn’t want to live anymore. That scared her for us kids.
That was over forty years ago. From the time Daddy sat us kids down and told us he was leaving, God stepped up to the plate for us kids and for our mama. She learned to drive, got a good job, and started taking us to a church that became our support system…that God used to save us kids from being statistics of a broken home, and instead, to become testimonies of His faithfulness.
When Mama, now 85 years old, fell and broke her hip on Sunday I was, of course, very upset and worried. I was also conflicted because I knew Mama needed me, but I also knew youngest daughter was planning on the Hubs and I flying to Missouri to spend Thanksgiving with her, and that she needed us. She has been in a difficult season, and I knew she especially needed me, her mama. Have you every felt torn between two people you love…both needing you, but one a half country away from the other?
Sunday afternoon, sitting in the hospital with my mama, looking so little, helpless, frail, I was feeling all sorts of emotions. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to wade through the confusion of emotions, the swirling of confusing thoughts, and to discern what is going on in my spirit. In my spirit, the dwelling place of God’s Spirit, I knew that He was watching faithfully over my Mama, just as He has for all of these years. In my spirit there was Peace. I knew that as I took each moment as they came, He would show me what to do. In my spirit there was Strength. I knew He would enable me to face whatever was to come.
Monday evening they wheeled Mama down to pre-op. My two sisters were now with me from out of town. The three of us joined hands and prayed for Mama. To our delight, the nurses in pre-op bowed their heads and said “Amen” when we did. As we waited for the surgeon to arrive, I noticed that the nurse was changing the cd in the pre-op room. Soon the sound of instrumental hymns filled the room. When the surgeon arrived, my oldest sister boldly stated that we were praying for him as he did the surgery. He asked us, “Would you like to pray now?”, and led us in a prayer that I knew that only one who truly knows and truly believes could pray.
Mama’s surgery went flawlessly. She had no distress during the operation. She had no unusual bleeding in spite of being on blood thinners until she fell on Sunday. On Tuesday, they already had Mama sitting up and doing physical therapy.
The Hubs and I are now in Missouri with youngest daughter. My wonderful sisters are by Mama’s side. Thank you to all of you dear friends, who have prayed and sent me words of love and concern. As usual, I am overwhelmed at how good God is.
Love to you all,