
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bless the Lord…


It was a great, great morning at church, and Sunday afternoon was going to be great too.
The Hubs and I were going to babysit baby granddaughter.
During lunch out with friends and the little cutie pie, it started to snow.
At 21 months old she was fascinated and excited at this cold, white, fluff coming down.
After lunch, I checked my phone, and noticed a voicemail from Mama’s assisted living center.
While I was at church, my 85 year old mama had fallen in her little apartment
and shattered her hip. 
Mama is in the hospital, scheduled for surgery tomorrow.
Instead of an afternoon with baby granddaughter,
I spent the afternoon in the hospital with Mama.
You can never be certain what a day has in store.
But there are some things I am certain of…
God loves us.
He is good.
He does good.
He is in control.
I am blessed.
I have so much to be thankful for.
my continuing gratitude list #752-761
-God’s peace and ordered steps on a busy day
-a clean bill of health for me
-baby granddaughter entertaining my mama and the others at her assisted living
-a free afternoon
-my daughter, son in law, and grandbabies safely back at their home from
-Friday date day with Hubs
-Christmas decorations
-Mama was in assisted living, not alone in her home when she fell
-Help was there in seconds with just one push of her bracelet call button
-When my phone was off at church, my brother was contacted so he was with Mama at the hospital the whole time
Gratefully yours,

Join the gratitude community here~

A Holy Experience


  1. Praying for your mama - and for you. So glad she was where help was close at hand. God is good. Praising Him for your health report - thank you, Jesus!

  2. I will add your mom to my prayer list.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.

  3. Elizabeth, prayers are ascending for your mother! Praise God for His mercies to her and your family. He is indeed good! blessings..Trish

  4. Dear Sweet Friend, I am praying for your Mama at this very moment!! XXOO, Damaris

  5. prayers & praise for you & yours & Him alone :)

  6. praying for your mama as you all minister to her...may The GOD of all comfort surround her with His loving arms.

  7. What a testament to God's presence in your find the blessing in what would seem to be a tragedy. I pray your mom's surgery went well. How precious your grandbaby must have been to those in the assisted living home. Thank you for the reminder of true Thanksgiving. God bless you and yours.

  8. Praying for you and your mama, and blessed by your spirit of thanksgiving in the midst of it. May you hear His voice, see His face in every experience this week.


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