
Saturday, November 13, 2010

By His Stripes..

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I love the way my granddaughter is in the background of this photo.

She asked Jesus to be her Lord quite young, and was baptized last Easter.

When she saw this statue she was very concerned about the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head.

Her mommy talked to her about this verse from Isaiah 53, telling her that Jesus’ head was wounded so that our mind and thoughts can be healed.


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  1. What a wonderful picture. By that, I mean not only the snapshot but the picture that your daughter used from scripture to explain the "WHY" to your granddaughter.

  2. wonderfully done. and I like your header by the way. simple but nice you can switch the photos.

  3. Beautiful illustration that He did it all for you and me.

  4. What a wonderful way your daughter explained to your granddaughter. It's a wonderful thing to see a godly heritage passed down to the next generation(s)!

  5. That has got to be an emotionally moving sculpture to see in person.

    Isn't it amazing how long before Jesus even arrived on Earth, people were told of Him and His suffering?! ...and yet how blind so many of them were when that time came!


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