
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday’s favs…I simply remember my favorite things…I’m lovin’ pumpkin soup!

I’m still here in South Carolina visiting my daughter, son in law, and my sweet grandbabies. 

The time has zoomed by and I have enjoyed every blessed minute I get to be with them.

I head home in the wee hours Saturday.

  YaY for getting to set the clocks BACK an hour Saturday night

so I will get an extra hour to rest when I get home.

On Wednesday, my daughter’s home group from church had dinner at her house.

Her friend from Germany came over and taught my daughter and I how to make pumpkin soup.

First we cleaned out the pumpkin.

Then we cut it up, cut off the skin,

and cut the pumpkin flesh into small chunks.



(my daughter and her friend)

For a huge batch of soup we diced and then sautéed two onions in a little bit of olive oil.


To the onions we added about a pound of diced carrots, 8 diced potatoes, the diced up pumpkin, water to cover it all,  8-10 vegetable, (or chicken), bullion cubes and salt and pepper.

At this point I was feeling a bit skeptical thinking it sounded pretty bland.


Once the veggies were all cooked soft it was time to puree the soup.

This is when an immersion blender would have come in handy.

We had a regular blender and had to puree it in small batches in that…about a bazillion small batches.

(Warning: blending hot items in a blender creates pressure that makes the lid fly off sending burning hot pumpkin soup flying onto the nice German lady who is trying to teach you. 

Not that I would know anything about that.) 

If you use a blender only fill it about half full, put a towel over the lid,

and hold the lid down firmly with one hand as you puree it.


Once the soup is pureed add sour cream, and salt and pepper to taste.

Like I said, with such simple ingredients, I thought it would be bland

but it was delicious!




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Beth Moore’s book

Jesus~90 days with the One and Only

Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays


  1. You're in SC right now?? You're in my neck of the woods.

  2. I need your email address, but I don't see one. You can go to my profile and email me from there if you'd like.

  3. Oh, this looks so, so good.

    Enjoy this last day with those precious babies and daughter. God fill your heart all up so that you can write another "Come Winter" post.

    Loving you,

  4. Oooh, I love pumpkin soup! Think I should make some soon. Thanks for sharing your 'lesson' with us. Bet it smelled good, too.

  5. Hi Elizabeth,

    I have never heard of pumpkin soup. I live in California, maybe thats why?
    Maybe I will have to be the first one of my family members to make it, and start a pumpkin soup tradition :o) Great photos, they look professional.
    Blessing to you and your family,
    Michele Katherine

  6. This sure beats my old "take can opener and open a can of pumpkin" version of pumpkin soup. By the way, I had the same experience with the blender last weekend.

    Wish you had made this the day BEFORE I tried to blend hot soup.

    I hope you have a WONDERFUL final day with the family and travel grace home.

  7. Oh, yum! Sounds so good. It would probably be nice with my homemade bread, that I made this week (another German recipe).

  8. This sounds SOOO yummy!!! Thanks for sharing and linking up!!


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