
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Nana…

I left Portland at 10:20p.m. Sunday night and flew non-stop to Charlotte, North Carolina. I slept about three hours on the plane.  I got to my daughter’s house in the wee hours of the morning and was able to wake up my oldest granddaughter and only grandson who did not know I was coming.  Oh, they were so surprised and so happy!  Of course I was overjoyed as well.   In spite of my lack of sleep, we had a full day of important business to attend to…

Exploring the “forest” behind their house…



And the pond where the geese gather…

027pk Discovering that my grandson is now a proficient bike rider…


Cooking their special request for supper…beef stew and cornbread…

Watching “How to Train a Dragon” with them before bed…

Heading to bed with them camped out on the floor beside me…

I am a happy Nana.

Still following,



Linking to Chatting at the Sky

for Tuesday Unwrapped.


Remember to click here to enter my giveaway

for Beth Moore’s book

Jesus~90 days with the One and Only


  1. Oh, Elizabeth how precious. Enjoy your time and let them wrap you up in love & hugs.

  2. So glad you made it safely sweet friend. I can tell you are one happy nana--the pictures of the kids are precious--love your rounded corners on them--I used to have a Microsoft editing program that did that automatically but Photoshop and Mac -- it is a little more involved-- I haven't mastered it yet but have been working on it.

    Have an absolutely glorious time with your cherished family.

    Much love,

  3. You can't help but be a happy Nana! I love it that you surprised them. I can only imagine the faces.

    Editing! My word verification for this one was HAVEN. Isn't that grand?

  4. That's so sweet--glad you had some very special time with them!

  5. What a special surprise for them! You're a good Nana.

  6. Enjoy your time in my beautiful home state
    of North Carolina. Your grandkids are so
    cute. I know you'll have a wonderful time
    making memories with them.

  7. I knew you were having fun! I wish I could have seen the kids' faces when they opened their eyes and saw you there. Enjoy every minute. They are blessed to have you there to enjoy their 'new' world.


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