
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving…





Today we feast with family and friends.

We will eat turkey and dressing, potatoes and gravy, side dishes galore,

and pie, pie and more pie.

It is a day of lavish overabundance to celebrate and to give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am giving thanks today for the lavish overabundance of God’s blessings in my life…

and you are one of those blessings.


Much love to you dear friends,


(We are celebrating the day with youngest daughter and our dear friends who live just outside of Kansas City, Missouri.  I like to think I am a good cook, but I must admit, I have not mastered the art of beautiful pie making.  When we arrived Wednesday, my friend was making these beautiful pies, with the help of her husband who is a crust making master!)


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend. You are at the top of the list of blessings I count today!

  2. Have a blessed day, dear pastors! Rejoicing at your mom's successful surgery. Rejoicing today for the Lord's sending Christopher Columbus to find this "new land", and courageous puritans, pilgrims, martyrs and preachers who followed, in order that we could have this special day to celebrate God's great grace, and the 'land of promise' God is nowhere done with. LOL


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