
Sunday, November 7, 2010

How did I get so rich?

I opened my suitcase to unpack after getting home from my trip to South Carolina to see my daughter, son in law, and two oldest grandbabies.

Someone had been into my suitcase, and had left me valuable treasures.

One plastic dinosaur.

One miniature stuffed bear.

One children’s book entitled A Walk by the Seashore.


The plastic dinosaur was generously donated by my grandson, “so you won’t forget me Nana”, which I, of course, explained was an impossibility.

The bear was from my oldest granddaughter.  “I want you to have it, Nana” was her only explanation.

The book, because we always go on walks together and because they know how much I love the sea.

I am overwhelmed with such riches.


my continuing gratitude list #716-#732


-the moon and the stars through the plane window


-a safe, uneventful cross country flight


-surprising my oldest granddaughter and only grandson with a visit


-cooking with my granddaughter


-Nana’s adventure walks…my specialty





-dinner and shopping with my daughter


-painting pictures


-making pumpkin soup




-reading books


-making cake pops





-praying and singing and talking together on the night before I had to leave


-a safe trip back home


-the Hubs with baby granddaughter to greet me at the airport


-a phone call from the ones I left saying they miss me


-new wellies


-setting the clocks back and getting an extra hour of sleep



Gratefully yours,


gathering gratitude with others here-

holy experience

Click here to enter my giveaway for

Beth Moore’s book

Jesus-90 days with the One and Only


Winner announced tomorrow!


  1. You were so close to me on your visit south! Perhaps one day you can plan a detour on your itinerary. I love the gifts. Such tenderness.

  2. You, my blogfriend, are richly blessed! I love the treasures that they gave you. I experienced the warmth when reading this post. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say...

    I'm hungry for cake pops! I'm hungry for grandchildren to make them with and take on adventure walks even more.

  3. What sweet gifts - from their hearts to yours! Welcome home, my friend. I'm so glad you have a safe trip and special times with your dear ones. Hope to see you soon.

  4. Oh, you are rich my friend and I am the richer for having you for a friend. Rejoicing with you in all these beautiful blessings. Beautiful post!

    Loving you,

  5. What sweet grandkids! And cake pops - yum!

  6. What sweet pictures--love the snowman pjs on your southern granddaughter. Priceless! Thank you for your kind words today.

  7. love those gifts from the heart...wonderful pictures...yum...cake pops

  8. I just love this list and the wonderful pictures Elizabeth. Our son and daughter-in-law and the five grands are coming for a visit in a couple of weeks. I cannot wait. We are so blessed!

  9. Ohhhh grandmothers are so special! I look forward to that stage of my life! :)

  10. That extra hour of sleep made my list, too! Next time you're here you'll have to plan on staying a while to take it all in.


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