
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

just a couple of hours…

I get home from my cross country trip visiting daughter and grandbabies

and we catch up on what is happening

with the people and marriages that we are trying to help patch up

in this crazy ministry life we live

We have been married three plus decades

but we talk about how we need to diligently guard and rekindle

the flame of our love for Him and for each other


So on a rainy, weekday afternoon

I am a playful, young temptress

Who has some unexpectedly free hours

Due to a meeting cancellation

And I go into his office

And tempt him to play hooky with me

Just for a couple of hours

Because the work will still be here when we get back

In the car ride together

His mind is still distracted by what he left undone

But halfway through our meal of lamb gyros and stuffed grape leaves

I see the the change in his countenance when he lays the burdens down

and now he is fully there with me

We are two young things without a care in the world

We hold hands and grab a cup of hot Starbucks

We stop at Whole Foods and have one cookie each

Deceiving ourselves that they are healthy because we bought them there

The Oregon sky is gray and the rain is coming down heavy on the car ride back home

But my heart is burning warm and happy beside him

I’m thankful for the gift of time we gave each other

Just a couple of hours spent guarding and rekindling the flame

When we get home, he has to work to make up for those hours

But when we lay our heads on our pillows that night

I snuggle into his warmth as we cuddle

underneath the quilt his grandma made for us

all those decades ago

and we both go to sleep smiling




Still following,


happily linking here-

holy experience

this week’s Simple Pleasure is time spent with my husband

Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. Thank you for reminding me not to take my husband for granted...

  2. Oh, you little temptress, you--I love it that you and hubby got to rekindle!

    BTW, I posted a pic of your beautiful Oregon coastline on my blog today--the ONLY time I've ever been there. I had to jump a fence to get the picture unobstructed but it was more than worth it. If I ever get to come again, I'm hoping that I get to meet up with you, sweet friend.

    Loving you,

  3. I hung on even past the word "temptress", put I closed one eye to read further... Just kidding. This is a great GREAT post. It makes me like you all the more in reading it.

    And time spent with my husband ranks up there as one of my ultimate simple pleasures, too!

  4. keeping the fire burning - takes time and work just exactly what you did!!!!

  5. This is wonderful Elizabeth! "We both go to sleep smiling" - says it all really :-) How blessed you are! love..Trish

  6. this is so important in a very important...thanks for sharing your time with us...keep smiling.

  7. God had chosen you to share your gift of marriage with others. We all could take away something from this post.

  8. It is sometimes so hard to lay down the burdens -- the demands, the timelines, the kids. But this post makes me realize the true importance of spending time, truly together.

  9. rekindling and guarding flames...such truth!
    Thank you for your example of lasting love and the effort it requires!

  10. ... so very important to remember.

  11. But my heart is burning warm and happy beside him
    I’m thankful for the gift of time we gave each other
    Just a couple of hours spent guarding and rekindling the flame

    wonderful! thank you for sharing :)

  12. So happy you had special moments with your forever love. That was, indeed, a great simple pleasure. Susan

  13. Elizabeth,

    What a wonderful and inspiring post! A great reminder for me, as I often let the duties and the exhaustion frame too much of life.

    It's a great reminder to work at the kindling of marital bliss.


  14. Can't remember the last time I kidnapped my honey for a time of rekindling. Thank you for the gentle reminder...

  15. I loved this, Elizabeth. After 30 years with my man I know how easy it is to lose that little spark... and what a pleasure it is to rekindle it. Excellent simple pleasures post.

  16. Such a simple thing yet so important in the health of a marriage. You've given me an idea...

  17. I often wonder what love will be like when we are older, and our kids are on their own. Thanks for the reminder that with all the changes, some things never have to.

  18. This is just *lovely*! Even after only eight years, there is the same need to guard and protect that spark. I'm completely inspired by this post! The day sounds absolutely perfect. (Although, I probably couldn't have stopped at just one cookie!)

    Have a blessed day!

  19. Elizabeth you are so blessed not just to have such a wonderful relationship, but to know what matters and take the time for it and for God...this is a lovely we can all learn from...thank you Elizabeth. :-)

  20. Beautiful! I love the way you presented your simple pleasure. Sounds like a perfect way to spend quality time together. Best wishes, Tammy

  21. Sweet................nothing like those sweet moments cuddled together ....................

  22. Oh I love this!!! Makes me want to grab lunch with my hubby today. God bless you for sharing this sweet and simple pleasure.

  23. That is a GREAT simple pleasure...and one to cherish always!

  24. Every husband (and wife) would treasure a beautiful time together like this. Thanks for reminding us to love our husbands!
    What a beautiful post.

  25. This is so beautiful! It truly is a wonderful reminder of what is important in our lives together.

  26. your quilt is gorgeous. now i'm longing for a date with my husband. :)

  27. oh, elizabeth, this made me cry. i'm longing today for some time just with hubby. and i've been cross with him because of this. isn't that silly? i think we're going to go snowboarding together, just him and i, this weekend. thank you, for inspiring me. i love that you bought cookies and felt healthy because you'd bought them there. :) i love that you snuggled under a homemade quilt. beautiful post, as always, friend. xo

  28. this is a great feel good simple pleasure. Really well written too

  29. Beautifully written . . . and indeed we have to MAKE that time to enjoy what we so take for granted too often.

    Joining in Imperfect Prose for the first time today. Nice to meet you! :)

  30. This is so special......thanks for sharing :-)

  31. I have is so rare to see a couple married as long as you....try so hard....and it humbles me and challenges do what I can now to make what we have later, just as sweet and tender and friendly and purposeful as what you have. BLESS YOU abundantly today, for you have impacted me. Visiting from IP at Emily's.


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