
Sunday, December 26, 2010



“The blessing of Jehovah -- it maketh rich, And He addeth no grief with it.”
While rather “old fashion-y” sounding, I love Young’s Literal Translation of Proverbs 10:22.  (Spell check isn’t liking “maketh” or “addeth”.)
Every year Christmas morning at our house starts with my husband reading a blessing that he has written for our children, and now our grandchildren.  Each year the blessing is different…whatever God has laid on his heart for the coming new year.  This then, is the first gift our children receive on Christmas, their father’s blessing.
This year while Papa was reading the blessing, youngest granddaughter got distracted by a blessing of another kind.
While she’s not even two and doesn’t know better,  I too am all too easily distracted with the kind of blessings that wear out or break or need washed and ironed or polished, while my Papa God is trying to bless me with blessings that have no grief or sorrow added with them.
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 N.L.T.
I love all the physical blessings of this season, the decorations, the fabulous food and even the gifts.  BUT, with the decorations comes the putting it all away, with the rich food comes the extra pounds and the then necessary dieting and exercise, and with the gifts comes the reality that even receiving your dream gift, the thing you’ve wanted for oh so long, isn’t what makes you truly happy or content.
 my dream present from the Hubs
It’s the spiritual blessings, knowing God and His love,  faith in Who He is,  trust in His care,  peace that guards your heart and mind, having a reason and purpose for living, seeing Him working in and through you and your descendants…these are the kind of blessings that “maketh” rich and “addeth” no grief with it.
my continuing gratitude list #823-838
-youngest daughter home for Christmas
-a day when my oldest daughter and granddaughter got to “hang out” at my house
-our annual Christmas gathering with the Hubs side of the family and the car ride there and back all together
-my Hubs being all tender and caring towards his mama
-a fun evening at oldest daughter’s “dipping pretzels”
-a dear friend received a wonderful “no cancer” report
-Christmas Eve finger foods, games, and ending with pjs in bed watching “A Christmas Carol”
-the Hubs annual Christmas blessing (with middle daughter listening in from South Carolina)
-family and friends and Skype and phone calls from the ones far away
-more than enough
-my youngest brother, home from Africa, getting to be with Mama and his girls and granddaughter this Christmas
-all of us going to see Mama on Christmas, and her feeling good that day
-all of us crowding into one vehicle to go look at Christmas lights, and singing carols with youngest granddaughter on the way
-the Sunday after Christmas service and God’s confirmation to me that 2011 is the
“Year of Preparation”
-a young man from our church in a serious car accident, but not seriously injured
-learning to let go and let God
Gratefully yours,
joining the gratitude gatherers here~


  1. Beautiful post - special time! Love those new boots.

  2. This special friend is grateful for the many prayers you have prayed with us and God's goodness! Blessings to you! We hold you dear in our hearts!

  3. i love the blessing read over the children. beautiful. thank you for this look into your day. praising God with you.

  4. I'm blessed by your posts each time. Thank you from NE Oregon!

    I, too, love those rockin' boots!

  5. A friend of mine heard about the Christmas Father's blessing. This nation is crying out for the "Father's blessing" and has been for two generations. God is fulfilling Malachi 4:6 in pastor Steve, and may the men of this nation sit up and take notice. Abraham's blessing is ours as believers. May 'Jacob's father blessing be upon our children and grandchildren once more at the family altars of our homes.



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