
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Four days and counting…


We drove baby granddaughter by some houses in our neighborhood that go all out with the Christmas lights.  I love that when I snapped this shot I happened to catch a little of the bluehour sky and also how the lights are reflected in the mud puddle.

Today I head to the mall to finish up buying the last two gifts on my list.  Tonight we have our annual Christmas gathering with the Hub’s side of the family.  I have the best sister-in-law in the world…with my mama sick she did my Christmas baking for me and baked a Rubbermaid tote full of Christmas goodies for our family!  She is one of the most giving people I know.

Youngest daughter is home from Missouri. Yay!  I miss my South Carolina daughter, son-in-law and grandbabies so much it hurts.  This is our very first Christmas without them here.

What are you doing today with only four days left ‘til Christmas?

I would love for you to comment and tell me!


Still following,



  1. Working today and until CHRISTmas eve wearing my shirt daily that says WOGGLE on the front and back says Merry CHRISTmas its ok just say it .
    Trying to also make some simple gifts as the simple things in life I have found to be more than less !!

  2. I am missing my mom and dad and sisters and all the wonderful family traditions we have that make Christmas special! There really is no place like home for the holidays.

  3. I took the daycare kids and my boys to the zoo, since we finally had a dry day. We were only there for 45 min, but it was worth it. Getting ready for the Pajama Christmas party I am having with the dacare and packing to go to mom's. Love you! Merry Christmas!

  4. OK - you asked so hold on your hat and I'll tell you what I did today. First I got up and worked like crazy finishing up odds and ends of things around the house and a bit of last decorating - took my dear, little mother to see the eye surgeon who will do her cataract surgery next Monday - took her home, drove to Woodburn to meet a very dear friend since childhood for lunch - shopped at Wal-Mart - came home to start dinner - picked up my mother to join us for dinner with us and our son's three boys who were here all evening while their parents attended a party at the home of one of our son's coworkers! Whew, no wonder I'm tired! Think I'll start over tomorrow and see if I can slow down a bit.

  5. I will finish baking cookies, make my cards, and wrap presents. Yes, I am behind. We celebrated at one son's house last weekend, and today our daughter, et al, will arrive from TN.(She says she has made 15 types of cookies!) Our grand daughter is getting married in a month and her shower is next week, it is getting a bit, make that a lot, busy here.

  6. Great to have kids home, isn't it? Neither of our sons will be here: the younger and his fiancee' celebrate with her parents who are going to Portland from K-Falls. Our eldest will spend another Christmas alone in New's his 5th one, I think. He's an exec chef of a Brooklyn restaurant and has no one there with him. I've already sent him his gift and a stocking filled with candy. I'm preparing the service for Sunday's church...a praise service because our minister will be on your side of the state with his family. We baked 3 kinds of cookies for neighbor gifts (have done it only once before in the 32 years we've lived here, I'm ashamed to say!)...and are counting minutes when our master bathroom reno will be finished! Tomorrow, he promises. Merry Christmas!


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