
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Honoring Who He is this Christmas…

It’s my takeoff on a Jesse Tree for advent.


I call it a Jesse’s Branch derived from this verse about Jesus from the prophet Isaiah…
Jesse's Branch- Isaiah 11:1-4
Each day of the month of December we add one of the homemade tags with one of His titles printed on one side, and the scripture reference where the verse is found printed on the other.  A little pack of spiral bound note cards has each passage written out.


Here are the 25 Names/Titles of Jesus I chose with the scripture reference.

Jesus -Matthew 1:21
Savior-1 John 4:14
Son of God- Luke 1:32-35
Son of Man-Matthew 18:11
Redeemer-Job 19:25
King of Kings -1 Timothy 6:14-15
Lord of Lords-1 Timothy 6:14-15
Bread of Heaven-John 6:51
I Am-Exodus 3:14
Alpha and Omega-Revelation 1:8
The Word- John 1:1
The Way, The Truth, The Life- John 14:6
Lamb of God- John 1:29
The Door- John 10:7-10
Good Shepherd-John 10:11
The Deliverer-Romans 11:26
Friend-John 15:15
My Beloved-Song of Solomon 7:10
Bridegroom-Isaiah 62:5
Faithful Witness- Revelation 1:5-6
My Righteousness-1 Corinthians 1:30
Wisdom of God-1 Corinthians 1:30
Lion of Judah- Revelation 5:5



This is one simple way to keep our focus on the Reason for the Season.


Honoring His Great Name this Christmas,


this week’s Simple Pleasure…

an advent idea to honor the name of Jesus!

All Things Heart and Home

Tidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays


  1. Hey that is a great Idea! Did you ever see that poster from the 80's that had all those names written on it in different colours? I really like this.

  2. Love your tree ..........such a wonderful post

  3. Elizabeth, what a wonderful way to keep HIM at the center this Christmas.

  4. Awesome idea!! A great way to keep us in rememberance of what Christmas is really all about! Have to incorporate this in my Christmas next year!!

  5. I love this idea; so simple and so profound.

  6. This is beautiful. I wish that I had done it.
    Perhaps, just the week the girls are home this year we can do at least SOME of the names.

    Lion of Judah is my favorite. There's just something about that name...

  7. How beautiful and peaceful!
    I love how you've centered on Him with such delicate simplicity. God bless you, Elizabeth. Have a wonderful Christmas..Trish

  8. Love this daughter and son-in-law have a small tapestry in their living room with all the names Jesus is known by. Thanks for this great idea.


  9. excellent idea! i love this so much. I just did a Hebrew name study on God, but to see Jesus' names and titles is just awesome!

  10. Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us. God bless you & Merry Christmas!

  11. what a great idea. Hmmm. maybe I should do this with my kids...Merry Christmas..

  12. I love your idea,especially how you have written out and presented the verses.I would like to do this for my grandchildren,if you don't mind me borrowing your idea. Barb

  13. Great idea. Thanks for sharing Elizabeth. Have a blessed Christmas!


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