
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Keeping the Main Thing the main thing…


My daughter, son in law, oldest granddaughter and only grandson are in Washington D.C. right now with a group of interns from their missions school.  We got a cell phone call from them when they were in front of the White House.  When our six year old grandson got his turn on the phone, instead of telling Papa they were at the White House or had seen the Capitol Building or some other spectacular sight that day, he reported with excitement that they were going to have pizza for dinner.  I love the house decorating, goodie baking, gift giving, card sending, party going, light looking, concert attending, tree fetching, and carol singing that Christmas time brings.  But, all of those wonderful things are just the pizza, not the Main Thing.

Thankful above all for the Main Thing this Season…Jesus.

My continuing gratitude list #792-#805



-the Word

-He removes our reproach

-He covers us with grace

-I’m His favorite…and so are you!

-sharing laughter and tears with my siblings

-totally unexpected reduction in our mortgage payment

-Mama’s face when my brother from Africa walked into her hospital room

-Mama got to go back to her cozy little apartment in assisted living instead of having to go to a nursing home

-an unexpected refund on a parking ticket

-helpful friends

-the best lasagna ever

-a sister in law who gifted us with her wonderful Christmas baking


Gratefully yours,



join the gratitude gatherers here~


  1. Lord, help us not focus on the pizza! I love that we all get to be His favorites. :) Thanking Him with you for that incredible list of blessings. I know your heart is full.

  2. Good morning sweet friend,
    I am loving "the pizza report." Isn't that just like a 6 year old? So, so cute.

    We all have so much to be grateful for and you have a wonderful list--several really great ones but I love that your precious mom got to go back to her own sweet little nest. Praying God's blessings over her.


  3. I love your picture and most of all your thankfulness ...Oh what a Saviour .....that he loves us so manay blessings !!

  4. I'm so glad your mom got to go back to her apartments! That is so wonderful as well as the visual image of her son walking in the hospital room.

    Your list is full of goodies this week!

    And you're right. It's all just pizza.


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