
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My most favorite Christmas Tree Ever…

I say it every year.

“I think this is my most favorite tree we’ve ever had.”

When my girls were small, heading out to the tree farm and cutting down our own tree was tradition.  With it just being the Hubs and I at home now we toyed with the idea of getting an artificial tree.  Our family quickly vetoed that idea…acting as if the very idea was a travesty! So off the two of us went to the tree farm and brought home the perfect tree.

When I saw that the Pottery Barn was decorating one of their trees with jute webbing, and was selling the jute webbing for quite a hefty price, I ran down to Walmart and got 15 yards for 69 cents a yard!  I love my homespun tree…it is indeed my most favorite tree ever!









Celebrating His birth!


this week’s Simple Pleasure~our Christmas tree!

Project Simple Pleasures2


also linking to the ChristmasTree Party at

Thrifty Décor Chick


  1. I love your tree, too, my friend. It's so cute and all of your little 'faces' peeking through the branches are such fun. I need to add some ornaments to my new tree. I have too much tree, not enough decorations. We went to an artificial tree a few years ago because of ministry commitments that always took my sweetheart away a lot right at the time we wanted to put the tree up. This year we almost got a REAL tree but decided to keep things simple. We got one that you put together and plug in - what luxury!

  2. oh yes, that tree is gorgeous. =) i never experienced having a real tree =p it has always been artificial..

  3. It is a lovely tree. We had a real tree once but never figured out how to stop the needles from falling everywhere in the couple of weeks prior to Christmas Day. Is there a secret?

  4. What a great idea! The jute works so well. Lovely tree, Elizabeth! blessings..Trish

  5. Beautiful homespun tree, Elizabeth! A few years ago, we ...who live in the middle of evergreen country...bought a big artificial tree. My husband just hated the mess of a real tree. I admit that I like being able to keep the tree up without worrying about it drying out. Last year, it was up half of November and all of December!

    Beautiful photos of your 'favorite tree ever.'

  6. The jute webbing adds so much texture and you definitely can't beat the price! I love to see great ideas recreated on a budget. Your tree turned out really cute.

  7. your's beautiful.

  8. I love your tree its so beautiful thanks for sharing !!!

  9. Ah ... I can smell that tree from here. Nothing says Christmas quite like the smell of fresh greens and a green tree. It's just fabulous!

  10. So pretty! Love the quaint and old-fashioned feel of it.

  11. I love that jute webbing, Elizabeth! Your tree looks absolutely beautiful! I can see why it's your favorite!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my Christmas post!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Jo :)

  12. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! I am your newest follower and im CRAAAZY about your Blog, the name the reason!!! I love to find sisters in Christ...My faith is important to me as well! I LOOOOVE your warm and welcoming! I would love it if you would visit my blog and 14 days of Christmas trees..I have a giveaway that MIGHT match your decor!

  13. Hey dear friend,
    Boy, am I ever out of my rhythm of looking in on my friends. My husband is playing no golf these days (cold weather) and is here at the house most of the time. It really puts a "kink" in things-ha!

    I am so glad that your mom is doing better--I love the prose you wrote about her--just beautiful.

    And i love the jute on your Christmas tree and all your crafty little items--the candles are so pretty.

    Hoping your days this Christmas season are as special as you are.


  14. I love the webbing! It's just perfect on the tree, and the fact that you bought it at Walmart for a great price makes it even better.

  15. Elizabeth,
    My mom used to say each year that we had the best tree ever, and I've said it for years, myself! (course now we have artificial pre lit which Mister says is easier, but it doesn't really seem that way to me). Anyway, I'm still saying it!
    Your tree is beautiful!

  16. So, so, so pretty! I love the jute, and I miss having a real tree. When I was a child, we had a cedar covered in those big, fat colored lights and weighted down with tinsel...courtesy my sister and me!


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