
Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa, is that you?

Here’s my oldest granddaughter and only grandson with Santa.

They are currently living in South Carolina.

Oh I miss them!


Here is my cutie pie youngest granddaughter with Santa this morning.

She lives here in Portland.

Looks like Santa just broke the news to her that she’s on the naughty list this year.

Come on Santa, give the girl a break!


Does anyone but me think that South Carolina Santa and

Portland, Oregon Santa look strangely similar?





  1. OMGSH!! That picture of Miss Eli is PRICELESS!! XXOO, Damaris

  2. As we say in the south Elizabeth, "bless your heart" and I mean it. I know it must be hard being apart. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  3. Of course they look alike - don't you know that Santa can travel across the country REAL fast in his sleigh? My kids felt the same as your youngest granddaughter when we saw Santa.

  4. This gave us a good chuckle. Thanks for sharing.

  5. They DO look alike. Hmmm. Making a believer out of me.

    I love your pictures. You have adorable grandchildren! The crying one is so precious. You will cherish that one forever.

    I watched some kids sit on Santa's lap the other day at the mall just for fun. They were so cute. Good hearted Santa even kept one little fellow from having his picture made with his finger up his nose. I think he had to pull it away three times before they got the shot.

    Of course, I HO HO HOed.

  6. Oh, they do! Your grands are adorable. Love those crying baby pictures. I know that sounds horrible, but they are so fun to look back on. Go to Kelly's blog and see her daughter's picture with Santa this year:


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