
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Falling in love again…



I know it’s supposed to be a relationship

a Divine Romance

culminating in a great wedding feast.

So sometimes the words

“spiritual discipline”

seem the antithesis

to romance.

On January 1, 2010

I bought a new One Year Bible

and decided to try again.

I’ve read the Bible through many times

but never made it within the one year goal…

I’d get behind, and never catch up.

This year I did it

Finishing on December 31st, 2010.

Sometimes it wasn’t very romantic…

more like performing my wifely duty…

checking it off my to-do list.

I kept my journal close at hand

recording the verses that broke through to mind and heart

and became personal.

But all too often,

it seemed rushed,

not relaxing,

not romance,

rather disappointing.

December came and all around were celebrations for the birth of the babe

focusing in Matthew and Luke

but I was reading the book that begins with the words

“This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ”.

Instead of getting caught up in who is the beast

and what does this or that mean

I looked for Him

the One Whom my soul loves.

I wanted,

I needed,

my own personal Revelation of Jesus Christ.

And I saw Him…

full of fiery passion,

the Alpha the Omega,

the Beginning and the End,

the One Who Was, Who Is, Who Is To Come,

The One spoken of

that the kingdoms of this world

will become the kingdoms of

our God

and of His Christ

and He shall reign forever and ever,

The Mighty Warrior Who will in that great day

make wrong things right

and deal with the enemy

once and for all.

At year’s end

a year of “spiritual discipline”

that some days seemed dry, dusty, duty

I fell in love with Him

all over again.


Still following,



  1. Amen! Awesome words of revelation! What a way to end the year.

  2. i am doing that this year elizabeth, and this is really eye opening and encouraging. thank you!

  3. Really beautiful and meaningful, dear friend. I love your writing.

  4. oh, look how He romanced you in the midst of spiritual discipline :) Lover of your soul!

  5. I found your blog not too long ago and I love it. Your words, your's wonderful.

  6. I wish I could feel this passionate when I read the Bible anymore. Too often I just feel confused when I try now. Too many things seem uncertain. I still love God's word, but it's been a rocky road trying to come to terms with it these last few years.

  7. I love how He reveals Himself to us when we are seeking . He's always there. We just need to seek Him.

  8. Oh Elizabeth! This one is so wonderful that I don't even have good words for response.

    I loved it, and for the record, as you wound to a close, my heart did a thumpy thing.

  9. Wow. I don't want to add to your beautiful words of Love.

  10. Gosh. I've never read through the entire thing in one year. More like bits and chunks and pieces...'ve got me thinking...

  11. oh, how i LOVE the last stanza especially, elizabeth! it made me want to stand up and dance. this, the whole goal of reading his word, no? bless you friend.

  12. I am so glad I checked back in with you today. You post today really touched my heart. I was thinking that I wanted to read the Bible through but just have not started for fear that I would fall behind and not finish. Your post has given me inspiration to just do it and look for Jesus in new ways.
    Keep reading and are a blessing.

  13. At year’s end a year of “spiritual discipline” that some days seemed dry, dusty, duty, I fell in love with Him all over again.

    i love this... such a needed reminder... that He still speaks and works, even in the seasons when this trying to deepen this relationship feels like duty... thank you for writing!


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