
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fiery love…


Is there any other god among the gods of this world

Who unashamedly, unabashedly, declares and demonstrates that He loves

Contrary, willful, sinful, you and I

This God Who Is Love Transcendent

Surpassing, Incomparable,

This God Who Loves With All That He Is

Who Gave All That He Had

And yet keeps giving

Is there any other god among the gods of this world

Who Loves With His Great Heart Wide Open and Exposed

Right there in black and white for all to see

In the pages of the Bible as He pleads with and mourns over His wayward people

Like a husband grieving for his bride

Right there in red for all to see

As He bled for contrary, willful, sinful, you and I

Oh how I want a heart that burns with love and passion

And pours it all out on Him

To be an equally yoked lover for such a Love

To blaze so hot with fiery love

That the cold in heart are drawn to come and warm themselves and are melted

By the fire of His love in me




  1. I am so thankful to have found your blog! Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God's amazing love for us. And sharing your heart for HIM with all of us! <3 Paula

  2. God gave you a beautiful gift for expression.
    Your words are so true. What other god? None. Not even one.

  3. ah...i echo your prayer...i want that heart as well...smiles....lovely piece...

  4. This is absolutely beautiful . . . and so thankful with you that He Loves With His Great Heart Wide Open and Exposed

  5. "That the cold in heart are drawn to come and warm themselves and are melted
    By the fire of His love in me"

    What a beautiful image you have brought me. You have such a gift

  6. Right there in red for all to see

    elizabeth, you draw me to him, every time. every. time.

  7. Oh how I want a heart that burns with love and passion

    And pours it all out on Him

    To be an equally yoked lover for such a Love

    To blaze so hot with fiery love

    That the cold in heart are drawn to come and warm themselves and are melted

    By the fire of His love in me

    oh me too!


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