
Sunday, January 16, 2011

His bride has prepared herself…


I knew that God had spoken to my heart that 2011 was to be a Year of Preparation.

I knew the theme word He had placed on my heart for 2011 was HOPE.

Both of these things have been confirmed to me repeatedly in various ways.

The one question that remained unanswered was, Year of Preparation….for what?

Until I read Revelation 19:7 in the Amplified Bible

“Let us rejoice and shout for joy…

for the marriage of the Lamb at last has come, and His bride has prepared herself.”

Like an arrow hitting the bulls-eye, I knew this was the preparation God was talking to me about.

He was telling me to prepare my heart for Him.

You see, I have a wandering eye.

I don’t mean to, but SELF collects idols and other gods like metal to a magnet.

You won’t find me bowing down to physical idols, or dabbling in false religion,

but my heart has a tendency to house some pretty big shrines to SELF.

I knew I was treading on thin ice when I asked myself,

“what if God asked you to stop blogging?”

and I knew I would struggle to obey



So, I unplugged for a week, and sought God.

Day One was housecleaning…

let’s just say there was a whole lot of repenting and renouncing going on that day

and a whole, whole lot of forgiveness and grace given.

The conclusion at week’s end was

God loves me wholeheartedly, nothing withheld.

He deserves a bride who loves Him back the same way.

If He said to stop blogging, I could, I would, say yes.

That, my friends, feels like freedom.

But the cherry on top?

He created me to create, to write, to capture beauty with camera,

to teach His Word, to mother, to mentor, to feather my nest…

but for His glory

not mine.

All for Him…

all my love

all my heart.


His alone.




my continuing gratitude list #843-#860

-white carnations

-a beautiful, cold, clear day for a late afternoon walk

-the light of Jesus that overcomes darkness

-time with Jesus with real connection


-medical bills only half of what we thought they were

-a $20 bill found in the gutter while on my walk

-an evening with friends

-talking to my grandbabies and son-in-law on the phone, and him not making fun of me for crying because I miss them so

-God’s immeasurable, limitless, surpassing grace

-the kindness and goodness of God’s heart

-our church volunteer appreciation Sunday

-safe trip to K.C. and back home

-God revealing areas that need correcting in my heart, life, priorities


-getting to see Julie Meyer lead in worship and intercession in the prayer room

-a great Sunday at Truelife and Hope City’s first service

-God’s wholehearted love


Gratefully yours,



  1. Thank you for your comment. I love what you wrote on this blog and gives something to think about too. It is beautifully written as well as the pictures. But I really find the words of God and what you wrote more uplifting for me. It truly is amazing what he will reveal to us if we just listen to him and open our hearts to him fully. I find it a blessing to have a blog such as yours to follow.

  2. Beautiful, Elizabeth, just beautiful. I always love your continuing gratitude. So often, one or two or more will mirror something in my own life.

    Such was the case this week. With you, it was medical bills not as high as you had thought they would be. For us, though, it was textbook costs. I lost a great deal of money that was supposed to buy textbooks because of our recent ice storm. Praise GOD! He knew all along that I wouldn't come up short because the girls' books were going to be under budget. We've got a great big wonderful God.

    Glad to see that He didn't ask you to stop, but I am even gladder (is that a word? more glad?) that you settled that question.

    Love this blog and the way it inspires and blesses me in my own walk. I don't have the gift for inspirational writing that you do. I wish that I did. Keep fanning that flame.

  3. Elizabeth ,
    I love reading your blogs they are a blessing to me to read how GOD is moving in each of our lives and that we can share GOD with others
    GOD wants us to tell others of his love, We never know who stops by and reads our blogs that may see and read what GOD is doing in our life

  4. Beautiful! Can't wait to hear more! See you soon.

  5. Thank you for sharing. Glory to God!

    Blessings from Him to you and yours.

  6. I needed this so much today; it confirms in my heart some things God is teaching me even this afternoon about His care and my responses. Thanks for sharing these.


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