
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

His Word have I hid in my heart…

I have feasted on His Word since I was young, carrying about my big, bulky, green padded covered Living Bible.

It’s still on my shelf, with the markings and immature handwriting of a much younger me.

His Word is part of me, in my mind and heart, from years and years of reading it over and over.

I can picture the verses on the page, and turn to them, knowing which book of the Bible the verse is in, and which side of the page I will find it on in my Amplified Bible.

But memorizing it perfectly, word for word exact with the reference, has not been my strength.  Last year I decided to memorize a verse a day for a month.  I failed before I began…too much, too fast.  This year I am memorizing one verse every two weeks…much more do-able.  This way I can meditate on the verse, savor it, pray over it, digest it, let it become a part of the sinew and bone that is me.

First, I pray and ask, “Which verse Lord?”  After all, there are so overwhelmingly many great ones!  Since my theme word for this year is HOPE, I felt to memorize Jeremiah 29:11 in the New Living Translation for my first verse. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”  I already was very familiar with this verse, as I am sure many people are.  I wondered if it was “cheating” or “too easy” or “too obvious” of a choice, but it was such a blessing to me to imprint it on my mind and heart word for word.  For two weeks, I chewed on this promise, and as I go back and review it, I will continue to receive spiritual nourishment from it.

I am now working on my second verse, another one with the theme of HOPE.  It is Romans 15:13 in the Amplified Bible. “ May the God of your hope so fill you will all joy and peace in believing, (through the experience of your faith), that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.”


Once I have the verse chosen, I write it on my little spiral bound note cards.(You can buy them for under $2 in the office supply section at most stores.  I decorated the cover of mine.  You can also purchase them on Beth Moore’s blog.) Writing the verse out really helps me, a visual learner.  The notecards are kept open to the verse I am currently working on and are kept near my Bible, journal, and devotional materials.


One of the biggest helps to me has been the purchase of this chalkboard.  I bought it and painted the frame a color that went well with my décor.  Then I hung it in an obvious, well seen place, in my dining room.  With a chalkboard marker, I write out the verse I am currently working on.  Now, whenever I am cooking, or cleaning, or puttering around the house, the verse is there in front of me.  That way I can easily take a moment, read it, review it, close my eyes and try to say it.  An added bonus is that the verse is visible to encourage my husband or anyone else who may come to my house.


None of these tips are all that profound, but I find that they are working for me, and thought they might be helpful to you too!

Still following,


All Things Heart and Home


  1. I too am like you, I have a hard time remembering the scripture references as well. Memorizing things isn't a gift of mine either. I think I might need to start my own scripture challenge. I don't know if one every two weeks is even slow enough for me.... :) I also wanted to let you know I enjoy reading your blog very much! It ministers to my soul and "Paint your Picture" is now one of my favorite songs!

  2. I love your post today and enjoy reading your blog. God BLess

  3. I'm memorizing one every two weeks and it's so powerful! Love the chalkboard where you can 'live' with your verse. Great idea!

  4. I love your verse in the Amplified Bible! I might have to memorize it next time around; it fits right along with my theme of "believing" in 2011! I need to put my verses on my kitchen chalk board.

  5. what great ideas!!! memorizing is a struggle for me also... I want a chalkboard now!! thanks for sharing !! GBU deb

  6. Elizabeth - what a true blessing you are in my life, girl. I find myself struggling (i.e. forgetting) to make devotional time in my day. No reason. No excuses. And I drop into your beautiful blog tonight only to have God tap me on the shoulder and say, "Here. This is one way to remember me during the day. Take Elizabeth's lead. Do what she's doing."

    So, thank you, sweet friend. I love these ideas. Ideas that I can truly embrace. ♥ God bless you....

    xoxo laurie

  7. Oh, one more question, do you choose your verse to memorize? ♥

    xoxo laurie

  8. This is a great, great post!! I, too, have failed miserably to memorize like I want to. I try, and I have success for a while, and then it falls apart.

    I love the idea of using the word of the year as the jumping off point. Mine is "GO". I'm GOing to flatter you by imitation and find a "GO" verse to memorize first.

    The Great Commission comes immediately to mind, but I've already memorized that one.

    I have used the flip book for the cards before. I even bought a sturdy one. Then, I misplaced it. Sigh.

    Love the chalkboard in a big way. What is a chalkboard marker, btw? How is it different from just plain old chalk? Less dusty?

    Thanks for this very, very inspiring post.

  9. Thanks for all of your encouragement, Elizabeth! Love your blog.

  10. I'm stopping over from ATI...and I have been inspired! Both the chalkboard and the notbooks are great ideas...I am going to challenge myself this year too! Thanks, Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  11. Thank you so much for sharing these verses today. I knew of them but I needed to read these words again.

  12. What a great blog!! Thank you for sharing...

  13. I love this idea. Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. I came from Ann’s

    I’m exactly like you, feasting on the word all the time, but never memorizing – rebelled against it thinking it was too “formal” and that in it we lost the spirit of the law ans settled for the letter.

    But I have found, like you, that memorizing (I’m memorizing Philippians) makes the verses linger, the words melt in – it’s a different kind of Bible feasting.

    And you know what – I think I’ll ne getting a chalkboard.

    Thank you for this

    God Bless and keep you and yours in your following.


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