
Sunday, January 2, 2011

I can see clearly now…


I didn’t name 2010.

  I didn’t have a theme verse.

  I didn’t have a special word.


Then 1/1/11 dawned,

not Portland gray, cloudy, rainy,

but beautiful, blue, clear, frosty.

I could see clearly.

I looked back and I saw,

2010 was

the year of

letting go


letting God.

It was hard and beautiful all wrapped into twelve months, 52 weeks, 365 days.

My heart is raw and tender and yielded and pliable.

Ready for the seeds



God has planted

to take root


bear much fruit.

I can see clearly.

God had and has good plans for us .



my continuing gratitude list #829-#842

-Mama’s caregivers and hospice workers, (so many of them wonderful, praying believers)

-grandson showing me his newest lost tooth via Skype

-oldest granddaughter showing me her new two front teeth

(why do those first new teeth always look as big as Chiclets?)

-favor and blessing, even in the little things

-a new lampshade on sale for $1.49

-new Adidas running shoes on sale for $21.99

-an unsolicited bank account upgrade that gives interest on our balance

-new offices and meeting room space for Truelife Church

-the Hubs having fun watching his favorite football team win

-finishing my one year Bible reading program on the last day of 2010


-Jeremiah 29:11

-a special Sunday… sending out our son-in-law and daughter and a team from our church…celebrating our new church plant…my Hubs great message

-our son-in-law’s kind and encouraging words



Gratefully yours,



  1. Beautiful! I prayed for you much today as you sent your dear ones out to do the work of the Father. Where did you find a lampshade for that price?

  2. As always, I love reading the gratitude list. You gave me a huge smile at the chicklet comment.

    You're right!

    I also love how you were able to give 2010 a "name" in retrospect. Isn't it just like our God to give that perspective in His time?

    I just love him.

    And I really do love reading this blog and am looking forward to it in 2011.

  3. Beautifully written thoughts. So enjoyed reading your thankful list.
    Blessings, Sue

  4. Beautiful list--

    And yes, God in his wisdom knows how to make those "Chicklets" fit right in to the mouth--it just comes a couple of years later--we've got some of those in our family also--

    Happy New Year dear friend--yes, "letting go and letting God"--should be our theme for every year, shouldn't it?

    Loving you,

  5. I can relate to so much in this post. The letting go, letting God in particular. I have to be honest, that phrase has always rubbed me the wrong way, but this year I really have learned it's truth. In letting God, we find Grace. I want that more than I want my comforts.

    Thank you!


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