
Saturday, January 15, 2011

I’m back!

I’m back from a wonderful trip to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri.  My husband and I and 8 worship team members from our church spent five days in the prayer room, where 24/7 worship and intercession have been taking place for over ten years.  My heart is full and tender with what God began in me.  He is so loving, so patient, so merciful.  Sitting in His presence with Bible and journal, His Word corrected me, taught me, instructed me, comforted me. 


Thank you kind friends for your sweet encouragement and prayers for me this week.  I even got some blog awards and new followers while I was gone!  So thankful for all of you fellow Jesus followers that I have met here.  I look forward to sharing more about my week with you.

Still following,



  1. That's wonderful, Elizabeth! Our God is good!
    Your picture is an amazing illustration for the verse.

  2. That is so nice. You probably feel renewed. Your blog is so beautiful and full of promise from God's word. THANK YOU.

  3. Love the pic with the verse. You were in my neck of the woods!

  4. Elizabeth, what a wonderful retreat. To be able to get alone & let God work. Looking forward to hear what HE has done in your life.

  5. Oh what an experience!! i am looking forward to hearing about your week! I absolutely LOVE your photo and scripture. What a perfect pairing!!! Simply stunning!!!

  6. Welcome back, my friend! I missed you but am so glad you had time to spend in the Father's presence and hear His voice. Can't wait to see you in a few days and hear more.

  7. Oh, I love that photo with that verse!! So glad you had a good time in MO - I have heard of those prayer houses - what mighty things must happen because of God working through those who enter them!

  8. I love that picture! what a great capture and that verse goes with it so well!

  9. Elizabeth...I'm so sorry that I linked up TWICE. I thought this was a separate blog hop from Katie Lloyd's Scripture & a Snapshot. My apologies. Have a great day! ~Sally

  10. Love your post.. and envious of your time in MO. What a blessing you are to this link up!

  11. Elizabeth ~ what a blessing that week must have been for you and your husband. What a truly blessed experience! I can only imagine the feeling, emotions, and spiritual growth you felt while you were there, and can hardly wait to hear about them. Bless you!

    xoxo laurie

  12. What a sweet time with the Lord! I can't wait to hear the precious things that will come from that time for you and your church.

  13. I have never heard of this place - and I live around there!! I bet that was an amazing experience!

    And what a beautiful photo to go with that verse!!

  14. Beautiful photo and beautiful verse. Thanks for sharing this and thanks for sharing about your week. What an amazing opportunity. Congratulations on your awards.


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