
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My Mama passed away this afternoon.

Somehow I just couldn’t sleep with out telling you.

Maybe for some reason I needed to tell the world…

My. Mama. died. today.

…just to see if it stopped spinning.

I am a little girl without her mama.

A little girl in a 53 year old body.

Jesus held us all tight as we let her go.

Now He holds her tight.

It will probably be quiet here for a few days

as family gathers near.

I just couldn’t sleep without letting you know.



  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers will be with you tonight as you face a hard evening.

  2. You also have the comfort that she is now with our Heavenly Father and not feeling any pain or sickness. She will be waiting for you!

  3. So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. My the Lord grant you His comfort and strength in this time of sorrow.

  4. My heart hurts for you, but isn't it wonderful to know she's pain free and with Jesus! I just remind myself that when I'm missing my grandparents (who both passed on in '09). I pray for comfort for you and your family.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. (((Hugs)))

  6. Oh, Elizabeth. My heart hurts for you. I don't know what it is like to lose a mother yet, but I do know what it is like to love one.

    I mean with all my heart these words for you: May the peace of God which passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    I'm so sorry.

  7. I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. When my grandmother died, the one thing I remember my mama saying a week or so later was "I just want my mama" and it tore my heart out. We never grow old enough to not want or need our mamas. Hugs to you.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss Elizabeth. I no you felt like you were probably prepared but we are never really prepared for loss of a loved one. I love the post you have below with her picture and love what was said. Hugs to you and your family along with our prayers.

  9. Oh, Elizabeth! I am praying earnestly for you right now. I can't imagine what you are feeling, but I care deeply and pray for His arms of strength and comfort to surround you during this time of sorrow.

    with my love,

  10. Elizabeth
    You and your family are in our prayers. Your Mom was a special lady.
    My heart is filled with sorrow, but I know Jesus couldn't stand being without her any longer. Much love and many hugs. Laura

  11. I'm so sorry, but I am also happy that you know where she is. My 90-year-old mother is often in a 'childish' state about things, but she is most recently obsessed with the fact that my father died 30 years ago this weekend. He was only 65 and she was 60. She still misses him. My condolences to you and your family.

  12. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry you are walking through the loss of your mama. I had a strong sense all day yesterday that perhaps she was going or had gone to be with Jesus! I prayed for you much, dear friend. My dearest friend from college days lost her mama two days ago and now yours is with Jesus, too. I am praying much for you - I remember just after my dear dad went to be with Jesus I looked out the window at the world outside and wondered how people could keep going and doing things like normal. Didn't they know the whole world had changed?

    Sending prayers and hugs to you and your dear ones, my friend.

  13. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
    Aren't we blessed to have the knowledge and hope of seeing our loved ones again?
    God bless and comfort you.

  14. I am so sorry to hear about your Mama. Hang on tight to knowing this is only a temporary seperation from her. Remember she is delighting in her time with Jesus and having a reunion with all those who have gone before her. I pray that you and your family will find ease knowing this. Praying for you!!!

  15. Elizabeth, I pray you sense HIS arms lifting you up and placing you in HIS lap. Lord, Elizabeth needs to feel you in a way she has never needed you before. May she find such comfort & peace that can only explained because of your sweet love & greatness. Surround her with family & friends that can be your hands & feet. We here in the community of friends are bringing her to you, In Jesus name, Our Comforter & Sustainer, Amen.

  16. I am so sorry for that "lost" feeling you are experiencing. Try to rest in the knowledge that Jesus has "found" her. Sending hugs...

  17. Dear Elizabeth, I am so sorry that you lost your mom. It is a comfort to know that Jesus holds her tight, and I pray that He will be your comforter, and you will feel His loving arms holding you up.

    With love and prayers for you and your family,

  18. Oh Elizabeth, I'm so sorry! How I wish that I could visit you and be your friend "in real life" right now. I am praying for you and knowing that Jesus will be all you need in this season. With love and prayers.

  19. I lost my momma when I was 17 years old and I know the pain you feel. I'm so very sorry. I will lift you and your family before the Lord for comfort and strength.


  20. Dearest heart aches for you. I can't imagine the day I loose my Mother, and know that no matter how old we get we always need our Mom. I am praying for you while you grieve. May God give you the comfort that you need in this time. <3 Paula

  21. Elizabeth - I'm stopping by from Dianne's blog and learned of your loss. I want to extend my sympathy to you - I know what it's like to lose a parent. It isn't easy, but we can find comfort in knowing they are with Jesus.


  22. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. :( I'm visiting from Ginger's blog.

  23. Ms. Elizabeth,
    First I must say my sympothy goes out to you and your family. I do not follow your blog and have never come across your blog until tonight. I just so happened to scroll down another blog that I was just visiting and saw your post on their side bar....I now know, God sent me here. I would normally say "that's silly or crazy" but this is the second time it's happened to me this week....As soon as I read your post about your dear mom this scripture came to mind.

    Psalm 55:22
    Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you;he will never let the righteous fall.

    I'm sure I could say i've heard this scripture before used in similar situations and that's what made me think of it for your situation but then I wouldn't be doing justice to the true one who undoubtedly sent me, God.
    I hope this has brought some moment of comfort or peace to you.

  24. I am so sorry to hear about your mother.
    When I lost my precious mama I cried for
    days. Seemed as if the tears would never
    end. Then one morning I heard the Lord
    say that He would take care of her now.
    That brought such a peace to my weary
    heart that I was able to go on without
    her. As days and weeks went by He brought
    a true joy and knowing that Mama was so
    happy with Him and wouldn't come back to
    this life even if she could.
    In Sympathy,

  25. I am so sorry, Elizabeth! Just seeing this now!

    Praying the eternal comfort of our Lord and Savior for you and your family!



  26. Holding you in prayer. There is no pain like losing a parent. For you there is Parent who understands your pain.

  27. I woke up this morning and felt compelled to open your blog ... I am so sorry.

    Although, I know the pain of loosing my mother (as an adult) - I also know the ONE who knows all pain, bore our grief and comforts beyond measure. I will join the others who pray with you and for you.

    May you know the comfort of God - may He carry you through this valley - and show Himself strong on your behalf.

  28. Just wanted to check on you and hope you and your family are coping very well. We are keeping you our prayers.

  29. "A little girl in a 53 year old body."

    My 48-year-old body feels the exact same way. :-( Crying with you, sweet friend.


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