
Monday, January 24, 2011

Wild ride…



The hospice nurse tells me that she doesn’t think Mama is going to “pull out of this”.  We’re on another downhill plunge on the roller coaster that is Mama’s fragile health. We are chugging along up the hill, she seems a bit better, then woosh comes the downhill, and my stomach does flip flops, and I wonder, I wait, for the ride to be over.  I call my siblings, and they call their children.  The parade of Mama’s children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even some great-greats, come to her wee little apartment in assisted living.  We talk openly with her and ask if she’s afraid, but she knows in Whom she has believed, and she wonders aloud about what is taking Him so long to take her home.  We reassure her that He knows best, He does best, and our whole wonderful, broken but made whole in Him family, waits with her, waits for this wild ride to end. 

I give thanks that the final destination is a Real Place, a Wonderful Place, that He has prepared for her.

My continuing gratitude list #870-880

-baby granddaughter’s laugh


-the Word

-good books


-baby granddaughter sitting on my Mama’s lap and giving her great grandma a hug

-middle daughter and my oldest granddaughter and only grandson home for two weeks from South Carolina to see my Mama! (I’m a happy, happy Nana!)



-my grandbabies huge smiles and big hugs when we picked them up at the airport

-my Mama’s face when she saw them


-eternal life

Gratefully yours,



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  1. Oh, the comfort of knowing He loves us and knows best. The comfort of knowing in Whom we believe and waiting for His touch. Bless you today.

  2. Our prayers are with the family during your ride. She will love what is waiting for her, that I am sure about that. Wonderful pictures of the children. Your mom looks like such a happy person.

  3. Praying for and with you Elizabeth, as you and your family seek His will in this situation. Your mother's statement really blessed me, and I love seeing her with the grandchildren. May you find comfort with them and your daughter.

  4. You have been on my heart very much since we were together! I felt your mama may be struggling and I prayed! I am holding you up to the Father and asking Him to be your strength - and for His Spirit to be your comfort. I am here, my friend, and I will be here behind the scenes and praying.

  5. Praying for you and your family this morning. A wild ride, indeed, with a God Who is infinitely good in all circumstances. He does know best.

  6. I have been on the ride, on the daughter's end. Underneath are His everlasting, all-loving arms. Praying for you today.


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