
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rich and full of love…


It’s Super Bowl Sunday.

This morning second born daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter and grandson left to go back to South Carolina.

Youngest daughter is now back at her little apartment in cold, snowy, Kansas City, Missouri.

After church, I just needed to come home, take my shoes off, and test the waters of what my life is going to really feel like now…life with Mama in heaven and all of the family that was here for her funeral gone home.

We politely declined the football party invitations.

I came home, wrapped myself in my Nana’s quilt, let some tears fall, and napped in the quiet.

I miss my Mama.

I miss my daughters that now live far away.

I miss the joy of having my oldest granddaughter and only grandson living near

and getting to watch them grow up. 

There’s pain in the loving and the missing.

The tears are falling, but my hands are still raised in thanksgiving for the loving,

for this life so rich and full of love.


my continuing gratitude list #881-#912

-the Hubs making breakfast

-God’s faithful provision

-all of us siblings being able to tell Mama goodbye, and so many of her grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren

-sharing Mama’s last hours together

-singing together, praying together, laughing together, crying together in Mama’s room

-the Hubs reading the Bible to Mama

-the way she died, so peacefully

-the most wonderful hospice nurse ever

-all of Mama’s caregivers filing in her room to say goodbye

-crying and laughing with my siblings as we prepared her memorial service

-all of my girls and grandbabies being able to come home

-our church and the way they loved me and helped

-so many flowers



-prayers and encouragement from blog friends

-oldest granddaughter-my sunshine girl with the bubbling, brook laugh


-lego-loving, tree-climbing, only grandson


-the way baby granddaughter loves her cousin so

-southern son-in-law raving over my cheese grits

-phone calls from my brother and sister checking on me

-taking out the trash and noticing the beautiful blue hour sky

-the way baby granddaughter hugs her Mama

-the Hubs taking the grandkids shopping for new clothes and picking out such cute ones

-emails from faraway cousins about Mama

-my handyman son-in-law making things for me

-memory verses

-a fun day with the grandbabies

-soft chocolate ice cream



-cupcakes and messy faces



-arcade games and giggles

-passing out doorhangers in southeast Portland for the launch of Hope City

-a much needed nap


Gratefully yours,


won’t you consider counting your blessings with us?


  1. Beautiful post, dear friend. And what a wonderful homegoing for your mom.

    My pastor from my youth is really bad and in intensive care. Yesterday, I was privileged to catch him when no one else was there and I got to sing and read scriptures to him for quite a while before one of his daughters came in.

    He read to me more than half a century ago. I read to him yesterday. It was such a blessed time.

    My mom has been Home for 13 years and I still had a fleeting thought of calling her the other day.

    The memory of the righteous is so blessed! And what memories you have.

    Thinking about you, praying for you, loving you--


  2. Beautiful pictures and gratitude. Thinking of your daughter here in snowy Kansas City. That's my location too:) Blessings as you transition to life without your Mama here.

  3. I had chills reading this. It is beautiful. Bubbling brook laughs caught my eye in particular. I am so thankful that God is holding you as you mourn this loss...

  4. Beautiful words and pictures. Still sending prayers up to you and your family. hugs :)

  5. Hi Elizabeth ~ Thank you for this wonderful post, friend. It really made me stop and think about how blessed I truly am, and so many times I just forget to thank God for my wonderful life and how he fills it with so many good things.

    I also count YOU as a blessing in my life. ♥

    Hugs ~

    xoxo laurie

  6. Such a beautiful post. I am so sorry for your loss. Hospice care is such a blessing, they are truly special people. Your photos are so beautiful. What a wonderful family you have. Praying you feel God's comfort during this time.

  7. These first weeks will be such a tender time in your heart; how sweet the Father is to fill it with dear family and friends.
    When Daddy passed, hospice was amazing; I was in awe of their kindness and care.
    Love to you, friend!
    (I just noticed that your white pitcher is very similar to one of mine. Love the flowers.

  8. I’m here from Ann’s. Sorry so late but it takes a long time to get through all of these gratitude lists. And…

    amen to this – just amen “There’s pain in the loving and the missing.”

    My faves from your list:
    - God’s faithful provision (always what we need – if not always what we want)
    - prayers and encouragement from blog friends (you can now add mine)

    This was a really good thing to read today

    God Bless and Keep You and all of yours


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