
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today’s Simple Pleasure…the comfort of busy hands



Mama went to heaven a week ago today. 

We buried her body two days ago while we all shivered in the cold and the wind and the sadness.

I miss my Mama.

Relief is there too, that she is whole and free now, not old and frail and small and declining.

I find comfort in the things that feel normal…

my morning cup of coffee with Bible and journal

puttering around the house tidying up

making homemade macaroni and cheese for my siblings


making my grandson his favorite pumpkin nut loaf into breakfast muffins.


I smile at myself because this is how Mama loved us kids,

through her cooking and cleaning and sewing,

and maybe I’m more like my Mama than I want to admit.


Still following,


Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. I feel your sadness and yet your joy, knowing Mama is in heaven and whole.
    Food is a simple thing but oh a powerful pleasure at a time like this.

  2. So sorry about your loss, what a precious tribute to your mom and a beautiful simple pleasure

  3. I also feel your sadness and joy, missing my Dad! This was a great post. I like to cook like my Mama, too! Thank you for sharing. I will keep you in my prayers!

  4. Your mama gave you a precious heritage, dear friend. I'm so thankful you have your dear ones near to hug and serve. Just like your mama.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your sadness, Elizabeth.
    May God greatly bless you and your family and be your comfort and strength!
    Your Mama sounds like a precious lady. You must take after her :-)

  6. Sorry to hear about your loss,Elizabeth.Your Mum sounds special.Keep cooking.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  7. Keep allowing God and those little things to comfort you. They are a true blessing. (((Hugs)))

  8. What a blessing to be like your mom who loved through her actions. Hugs to you today.

  9. This is beautiful, Elizabeth. You are honoring your mother's life and continuing her legacy. Such a blessing to your family.

  10. I'm really sorry to hear of your mom's passing but her spirit shines through everything you're doing...that's the best... Hugs to you.

  11. I had wondered how you were doing, Elizabeth. You are so right that there is a comfort in busy hands. Our moms knew it. Our grandmothers knew it too.

    I pray that your heart is filled with sweet memories as you go about your daily tasks.

  12. I know the loss you feel. hang on to those memories.
    She is free to dance , sing, run and she maybe cooking for the king !

  13. So sorry for your loss. I dread that day....I love my mama.....

  14. So sweet that you can minister to your family and continue the wonderful legacy from your mama.

    Blessings and prayers,

  15. What a nice tribute to your mom. She would be so proud you follow in her footsteps. Still praying for you and your family during this time of loss. hugs to you. :)

  16. Elizabeth - I also feel your pain. I remember the numbness I felt after my mom died, yet I rejoiced in the fact she was with Jesus.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Your simple pleasure and mine are very similar this week. My daddy's birthday was on Groundhog's day. I miss him very much. Just like you miss your mama. I pray blessings on you.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))
    In Him<><

  18. Elizabeth,
    I love your heart. Your post is again wise and comforting.
    I'm keeping you and yours in prayer.

  19. What a bittersweet post, Elizabeth. So sorry for your loss. I think the idea of finding pleasure and comfort in the normal is so universal. May God surround you and your family with peace in the days ahead.

  20. Hi Elizabeth, When my mom died I found support in a ministry called GriefShare. It was a lifesaver for me now I lead a group. Go on and put in your zip code to find a group near you. It is a thirteen week Bible based class that is so helpful in understanding the grieving process and to connect with others that are in a similar season. Blessings!!!


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