When I saw the April issue of Better Homes and Gardens it gave me a cute, simple, easy idea!
See the cute little plant in the galvanized bucket?
They have similar little buckets in the dollar section at Target,
and they have similar little plants for $2.47 at Home Depot.
I decided I needed to stencil a number on my little dollar bucket.
My second little project was inspired by these little shell topped bottles I’ve seen around online.
Then I saw them at TJ Maxx for between $6-$8.
But free is even better!
I just dug a hole into the top of a cork and filled the hole with hot glue inserting the tip of a shell I had into the hole.
Then I decided to add a vintage French label I downloaded and printed free from the Graphics Fairy.
I simply glued it onto the bottle with Elmer’s glue painted onto the back of the label, then painted glue over the top of the label as well.
The bottle I used had a recessed place on the glass for a label, so it fit perfectly!
I’m lovin’ it!
Friday is almost here so…