The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
~Henry Ward Beecher
For me it’s been a week with some “hard eucharisteo” in it.
When you pray and tell God to correct you in any area that needs correction,
to change you in any area that needs changing,
then you shouldn’t be surprised when the plow goes deep
and you can feel the furrows cut in the soil of your heart,
the removing of hardened rocks of resistance,
the digging up of stubborn old root systems.
It’s a painful process.
Yet, I lift my hands and choose surrender and choose thanksgiving,
believing that after the plowing
comes the planting,
and then the harvest.
my continuing gratitude list #1020-#1030
-the Lord our Provider
-blowing bubbles with baby granddaughter
-blue sky with puffy, white clouds
-robins and bluejays
-lunch with friends
-good news from missionaries in Japan
-thanking God for my firstborn as she celebrates her birthday
-baby granddaughter accidently calling me as she plays with her daddy’s phone
-good news from son-in-law, daughter, and missions team in Mexico this week
Gratefully yours,

Beautifully written Elizabeth! I was so blessed by your thoughts and of reading your thankful list. Sending birthday wishes to your daughter, and thankfulness to for safe keeping. of friends. Thank you for sharing your talent of writing with us.
Great post!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts today. :)
ReplyDeleteThe simplicity of "hope" is what stuck out to me this morning. Oh, to be more and more grateful for hope. It is a gift indeed.
ReplyDeleteYes, I needed this today. But I am also struggling with the fact that I feel like the plow is stuck. Like nothing is moving forward. Like my donkey laid down! Any advice?
ReplyDeleteI, too, feel as though the plow has hit some rocks and deep root systems. Not easy, but I loved the thought of hope and a harvest. To think that we do not have a hope that disappoints, but a hope that sees the glorious ending and presses on until hope becomes sight and reality. Loved your post today and your list. It was just so good to have been here!