
Sunday, April 17, 2011

The cure for worry and anxiety…

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.

His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

“You can’t overcome worry and anxiety without gratitude.” Roger Hillegas

my continuing gratitude list #1052-#1062

-youngest daughter’s birthday


-taking baby granddaughter to the pet store and buying her three 27cent goldfish,

which she named “Elmo”, “George” and “Bob”


-a sunny day in the middle of a rainy week

-baby granddaughter spending the night

-the way her face glowed when she gave her mama the picture she painted

and her mama telling her it was “so beautiful!”

-airline tickets to go see my South Carolina grandbabies,

and tickets to bring them back home with me for a couple of weeks!

-this book

-grandson calling me so excited about the turtle he found

-a wonderful morning at church with our dear friend as guest speaker

and a wonderful afternoon visit with them after


Gratefully yours,



  1. Being grateful and not worrying. Two ingredients for a HAPPY life. Thank you. Your granddaughter is precious.

  2. Those verses in Philippians 4 are ones that I have to keep close to me to fight off anxiety.

    I hope you have good luck with Elmo, George, and Bob. I love your granddaughter’s sweet little face watching them!

  3. I am new to your blog (and blogland)and today for some reason I turned on my speakers and your playlist song called Paint Your Picture by Julie Meyer came on and it just made me cry because this was a touch from God to me! He so knows what speaks to us doesn't He? I have been pursuing my painting abilities lately and not really sure where God wants me. I am a new art journaler and my page I worked on last week for my 52 week challenge was on what makes your world beautiful. My page was on how God paints my world with color! So this tells me I am right where God wants me even though I am not sure where it will lead. With so many moves in the last three years I feel so far away from God so your blog is such a wonderful insparation for me! Thank you!!

  4. So cute, love the goldfish. The scripture was encouraging also. The cure to worry for sure, to ask and be thankful.

  5. I love them all. I always enjoy the way you give us pictures to go along with them.

    I clicked the link to that book and hadn't heard of it, I don't think. Of course, now I'm curious.

    You're right about gratitude being a weapon against worry, too!

  6. This is awesome – ““Elmo”, “George” and “Bob” – made me smile. And the glowiness picture thing. You moms and granmoms have such insight into love – I envy it at times. Those are my faves from the list. Thank you for this, I really enjoyed it. God Bless and keep you and all of yours Elizabeth.

  7. Love hearing your gratitude lists, Elizabeth. It helps me to remember what I have to be grateful for each day He gives me. ♥ Love ya, girly!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Thank you for the reminder!! The message on Sunday was AMAZING!! I am posting this scripture on my fridge!! XXOO, Damaris


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