Since Mama’s death in January, life has continued on for those of us left behind.
Just this month another great-granddaughter, and another great-great-granddaughter have been born into her family.
And now our youngest granddaughter, (Mama’s great-granddaughter), has an announcement to make.

“I’m going to have a baby sister!”
Mama’s family seems to be having a run on girls! That’s okay, we think girls are pretty great.
Anyway, the Hubs and I are off to a little family reunion with my brothers and sisters, and as many of our kids and grandkids as can make it.
Mama would have loved this.
She would have sat in a comfy chair, listening, watching and grinning big as all of us talk and laugh together.
Who knows, maybe she still is.
My continuing gratitude list #1199-#1209
-youngest daughter safely back to her home from her trip to Chicago
-how God’s ways wonderfully confound the human mind, like when we give away more, we end up with more than enough
-a good report on a recent follow-up exam
-we are having another granddaughter! Oldest daughter’s pregnancy is going very well! 
-all the beautiful flowers in bloom in the neighborhood, especially my favorites, peonies and roses
-how God meet not only my needs, but so many of my wants
-His mercy and lovingkindness are forever!
-the way God wants voluntary lovers, and yet when I ask Him to help me love Him more, He does
-Friday morning pancakes
-our son in law’s birthday, and the blessing of having sons-in-law that love Jesus
-a really great neighborhood barbecue/outreach by our church, and the wonderful volunteers who made it happen
Gratefully yours,