Monday, June 13, 2011

Meakin English Ironstone and other treasures…

The grandbabies were all safely home with their parents.

The Hubs was out of town.

The housework was done and the house was all clean and tidy after a wonderful month full of grandkids and fun.

What’s a girl to do with a whole Friday to herself?

Run a few errands. Check.

Get some exercise by going on a bike ride. Check.

Go junking at Goodwill and Salvation Army, then go to her favorite antiques mall.  Check. Check. Check.

End the day with dinner with a friend at a cute little floating café on the Columbia River.  Check.

Share the “remains of the day” with you all.  CHECK!


The Salvation Army near me is AMAZING! 

So clean and tidy, with great worship music playing in the background while you shop.

I about fainted when I found a big pile of Meakin English Ironstone plates, bowls, salad plates, and saucers there for $3.99…for the whole lot!  Monday they have 50% off everything in the store, but I didn’t want to wait until Monday and risk them getting snatched up.  Three of the pieces were cracked enough that I just threw them out, a few of the pieces are heavily crazed.  The majority of the pieces are in great condition.

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(all photos textured with Kim Klaussen’s Mayzee texture set at 100% with soft light)

At Camas Antiques I found this English marmalade crock. 

I’m loving it with these beautiful peonies .

I also bought a couple other things there, but I will save those to share with you later.

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(all photos textured with Kim Klaussen’s Mayzee texture set at 100% with soft light)

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(a final peek at the Meakin ironstone, with Kim’s love texture set at 50% soft light)

Thanks for letting me share my treasures with you and putting up with my photo editing experimenting!

Still following,


kimklassencafeBeach Cottage Good Life WednesdaysPhotobucket Things Heart and Home






  1. Beautiful dishes!! Wish our Goodwill here in Duncan would be so reasonable. I really do love your crock with the flowers in them!! You were really blessed with a great bargain!

  2. They all looks pretty stuffs. Mine is up too.

    Mine is here

  3. Your 'new' ironstone is fantastic! And the price was a steal!! Wondering what Salvation Army is near you. I love the one on 82nd, near Johnson Creek. And I love it when they have their 50% days.

    Your ironstone is so nice on your table. I could almost visualize sitting there to enjoy it with you!

  4. woot for the marmalade, love it:)

  5. All you hip blogger and your fancy schmancy textures make me jealous. There. I confessed it.

    As to your treasures? I think you had a very successful hunt. I sure wish we had a good Salvation Army or GW around here. Our local GW apparently has the motto: Dirty Stinky Junk at ridiculous prices. UGH.

  6. What beautiful much fun! Now I will have to stop by our GW and see if I can find some treasures for our new house.

  7. Oh my goodness I would have been so excited to find that ironstone!!
    Wowwwzaaa what a killer deal ~
    I am cracking up at Debbie's comment because that is pretty much how it is around me too ~
    Have a blessed day !!


  8. Oh, Elizabeth, I am loving all of this!!

  9. Oh wow, I don't know what I love more, the gorgeous ironstone or those peonies! Your photos are all beautiful. Your texture work is really wonderful.

  10. your pictures and your descriptions made me heart these – I covet them! And that thing you wrote about whatever filter you used – I have no idea what that means – but – I think I heart it too. I don't do the Salvation Army store – we have lots more Goodwills in St. Louis. I heart me some Goodwill shopping - or as you put it "junking" :) God bless you Elizabeth.

  11. Elizabeth,
    What a wonderful day! And the Meakin is beautiful.
    Your Salvation Army sounds a lot like ours.
    Now I think I want to run over there...

  12. Wow what great luck, that is beautiful Ironstone. I'm searching for some with no great success.Your photos are very pretty.

  13. I am estatic to find your blog! I found you on Wow us Wednesday and am now a follower! I love the ironstone and have a real weakness for Dundee marmalade jars! Stop by and say hi!

  14. Hi Elizabeth, Beautiful dishes and finds! Your pics are also stunning.
    You are organized to get so much accomplished :).
    Glad you had a fun and productive day.
    ~ Julie

  15. Wow, where is your Salvation Army?? At the one I go to one of the employees is very knowledgeable about antiques.....can't find such smoking deals there....these dishes are awesome!

  16. Beautiful treasures and photo's + textures!

  17. Great dishes and I love your vignettes!

  18. These are beautiful shots of your wonderful white dishes!

  19. Great blog! I'm here from Kim's party and I'm your newest follower. Pop on over for a visit sometime.

  20. Getting a little green with envy. Love your ironstone and photos.

  21. What a score!! Great ironstone and pretty peonies.

  22. Wow, Elizabeth....what a steal! LUV white ironstone and that crock is soooo lovely! I think I see a GW run in my future..... lol!

    xoxo laurie

  23. SCORE! Love finding great deals like that! I love going to my Salvation Army in town and they are going to open a GoodWill soon - so excited! Great photos!


  24. Wow, I sure love that Marmalade pot, and your photographs are just stunning xx Ava


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