
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The best wine…

When they ran out of wine at the wedding feast

You turned the water into wine

The wedding guests all commented that the best wine had been saved for last


Days of summer are slipping away

Days before my precious ones leave for Ghana to do Your work

Do a miracle here, Jesus

Save the best wine for last


Another birthday has come and gone

They seem to come and go faster every year

You said our latter years would be greater than our former years

Do a miracle here, Jesus

Save the best wine for last


You said children are a blessing

And children’s children are a crown

I’ve tasted and I’ve seen

You’ve done a miracle here, Jesus

The best wine is saved for last!




The children and grandchildren are all home to spend the last days of August together.  Middle daughter and her family leave for Ghana this fall so this is our last time all together before they leave.  The next couple of weeks I am sure that I will be a bit hit and miss here and may not be able to respond to your comments or get around to visiting.  I’m sure you can understand.

Oh, and this week’s simple pleasure is a picnic at the river with my grandbabies. Smile

Still following,


Project Simple Pleasures2


  1. Ah, sweet photos from the river near my home! I'm so glad you and your grandkids could enjoy some summer fun in the water together. They are beautiful - and I KNOW He saves the best wine for last!

  2. Oh what an encouraging thought - He saves the best wine for last! When we "run out", He steps in!

    Expect it! Experience it! Enjoy it in the days you have with your children and grands! Beautiful, happy photos here...I could sense the joy.

  3. I share your sentiments here, Elizabeth. He's saved the best for last. Have fun with your family. I know you'll cherish the time.

  4. so much fun to play in the river...saving the best wine for last...sweet...very warm feelings you leave me with...

  5. You should write a devotional book, really!
    Love the pictures, and I'm so glad you're enjoying this special time with your family. You've blessed me this morning with reminding me of this nugget of truth. Have a blessed day yourself!

  6. lovely...are His ways in all the earth.

  7. You hold your family as close as possible these last few days of summer. You share so much Truth. Bless you and yours. :)

  8. Ah Elizabeth, this so made me tear up. Loved your pictures AND the prose. Best to you and your lovely family.


  9. oh, comparing the grandbabies to being like the best wine saved for last - how wonderful - I have chills! what a glorious analogy. thank you!

  10. An Australian friend lived in Ghana for many years and that's where she met her Lebanese husband. They both loved living there. Best wishes to your family as they travel. Tammy

  11. Sweet memories that they will never forget! I still have the BEST memories of my grandparents although they are in heaven now. I treasure them and try to make at least one new memory with my grands every time we are together.

  12. Beautiful words and pictures--happy wine tasting dear friend.


  13. Elizabeth,
    What a gift your time with your grandbabies is! For you and for them.

  14. Such a precious simple pleasure. Enjoy your babies.

  15. oh... i love this. i love your heart. and yes, soak up these precious moments with them friend. bless you.

  16. So beautiful ... all of it. So glad I chanced upon your blog. :)


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