
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blessed be the name of the Lord…


When times are tough I have to dip the bucket deep into the well of my heart and pull the gratitude up.

It’s an effort, a focus, a choice, the hard eucharisteo*.

Today, my whole family is home, three daughters, two sons-in-law, three grandbabies,(and one more on the way).

At times like this the gratitude comes easy, bubbling up of its own accord.

In tough times, in good times, blessed be the name of the Lord.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.



-my roses are blooming! (I don’t exactly have a green thumb.)

-a house full for a barbecue

-God’s love that empowers me to walk in love

-all my grandbabies



-playing in the river

-the grandkids counting Papa’s jars of change, hoping there’s enough for Disneyland, (not yet!)

-walking and talking with my little buddy



-our prayer gathering

-my church

-all my family home Smile

Gratefully yours,


*thanks giving


  1. This is such a great Summer post and your list is wonderful. I had to giggle at the grandkids checking grandpa's change jar to check if he had enough for Disneyland. Too cute! Hope you weekend was wonderful.

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  2. Such a beautiful and inspirational post. Great shots of your grandbabies.

  3. Love the additions to your list. I've been reading the One Thousand Gifts book...maybe I need to start a list too.

  4. Your roses are beautiful. Your grandchilden even more beautiful. That's so precious they are counting the change with their hearts set on Disneyland. Beautiful list today!

  5. Beautiful children, lovely roses and words of gratitude and hope.

  6. I always smile when I look at your pictures. Thanks for sharing such sweet moments with us.

  7. My heart is grieving today because two of my kids have left--one back to Mexico for the school year as a Missionary to deaf girls, one to school in far away Montana. Thanks for the reminder (from the song--I hope you know it) that "my heart will choose to say, Blessed be the Name of the Lord." I will pray for you as your precious ones head to Africa in His service. Such a hard time, but so wonderful, as well.


  8. Lovely days, lovely words. I know you are savoring His grace.

  9. I'm so glad that your gratitude is bubbling over these days! I loved what you said, though, even in the darkness I will say BLESSED be the name of the Lord.

    There's a contemporary praise song that expresses that so well. I'm sure you've heard it. I love it.

    And your playtime pics are wonderful. It has been decades since I splashed in a river.


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