
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Come and see the works of God…


Oh how I love the sea!   While I love many other beautiful places, the sea is my most favorite place.  We just returned from a little beach getaway with all of our children and grandchildren.  The Oregon coast was more beautiful than ever.  What an Amazing Creator we serve!

Still following,



  1. Looks stunning. I am always amazed at how amazing God's creation is especially nature. I am glad you had fun on your getaway.

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  2. The Oregon coast is amazing--and so is all of Oregon. Good to have fun. Nice shot!


  3. the sound of te ocean restores my soul.. and your post today just took me right back there.. You have restored me!!

  4. Amen! What an amazing Creator we have, and your beach picture is beautiful. The west coast is definitely a place I'd like to visit sometime.

  5. Simply lovely! This is a fun font and works well with the picture.

  6. I agree... God is the most amazing artist :) This photo is so fun!

  7. I live on an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and yes, I do agree that the sea is an awesome thing to behold.And it has many moods. One of my favourites is when it is calm and sparkles with myriads of 'diamonds'. :)

  8. And we were down the beach a ways from you! It was wonderful - again - as always. I'm feeling so bonded with the dear, little congregation there and I will miss not being there every Sunday when their pastor returns. But we will be there often - they are praying we will become their neighbors so we can stay! God is SO good and His ways beyond understanding!


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