
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Love each other…



017 verse

Lately I just can’t escape the thought that it is impossible for us to truly love each other without first receiving God’s overwhelming love.  Human love is a well that eventually runs dry.  God’s love is a bottomless ocean.  To love each other no matter the circumstances, whether we are are acting loveable or hateful, is only truly possible when we are connected to a Source of Love greater then ourselves.  When we become confidently connected to God’s love for us, then it is possible to love even the unlovely.  We become the conduit of His great love to others.

Still following,



  1. Elizabeth, this is so true. From my own experience, it wasn't until I accepted that God loves me unconditionally that I was able to open my heart to loving others. Have a wonderful Saturday.

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  2. Truth. This is a beautiful truth.

  3. What a wonderful true statement! Thank you for reminding me.

  4. So very true. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I've thought of this before and it consumed me. It's so true.

  6. What a truth and what a blessing that the Lord can let us love the unlovely. Great illustration of us being like a conduit.

    from leavesnbloom photography

  7. Elizabeth, I have no pictures to share – no glorious ones at least – I'm just a point-and-shoot guy :-) and you can probably guess that I heart what you wrote about love – the bottomless ocean phrase – I stopped and thought about that for a minute – an ocean – actually with no bottom – an infinite ocean – an infinite ocean of love. Does that not sound like heaven. Thank you for this – maybe someday I'll even enter a humble little point-and-shoot shot to your linky. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours Elizabeth.

  8. Life is so much richer when we love unconditionally. Thank God HE made it that way. Beautiful photo!

  9. This photo makes me smile! And what a great verse! God's love is a perfect gift, but the love of children is n amazing blessing from Him as well! :)

  10. Possible, yet still so challenging in our struggle to allow God to have full control vs. our flesh.


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