
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Vacation gratitude…



This is our eighth summer we’ve vacationed here.

There is something comforting about returning to the same place year after year.

There is no compulsion to sight see when you’ve been there, done that.

Instead, over these years we have developed our own peaceful, restful vacation routine.

Coffee, breakfast, and devotions on the veranda that looks out at the San Jacinto mountains.

A walk before it gets too hot.

Swimming, sunning, reading by the pool.

The desert heat has soothed away sore muscles, aching joints.

Dinner made by us at the condo or at one of our favorite restaurants is the big decision of the day.

We truly are resting.

We have left the responsibilities at home in Capable Hands.

I am so grateful for this time of rest and refreshing for body, soul and spirit.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude

day by day

in my little green journal.


-baby granddaughter’s backyard pool at our house.


-turning another year older

-lots of birthday messages and love

-safe flight to L.A. and an uneventful, safe drive to my brother’s house in the middle of the night

-morning devotions in his gorgeous back yard

-the smell of the sea

-the blue, green water


-sea breezes

-sea birds


-the drive over the mountains from L.A. to Palm Springs

-the blessing of using our friend’s timeshare condo

-the dry, desert heat

-the unique beauty of the Coachella Valley


-cloudless blue skies


-daughter and grandbabies in South Carolina are coming to see us and are able to come sooner than we thought

-Psalm 6:9 Thank you God that you have heard my supplication and that you receive my prayer


Gratefully yours,



  1. So glad you can get away and rest. Enjoy every minute in the beautiful place God prepared for you!

  2. What precious blessings !!! Have a wonderful time ~

  3. Beautiful photos, Elizabeth. Glad you're enjoying yourself.
    xo Tricia

  4. What a beautiful retreat! I like escaping to the same places too! Enjoy!

  5. Beautiful...words and photos.You are special.I am happy for you , Elizabeth .

  6. What a wonderful vacation! I hear contentment in your words. I hear peace. What a blessing to read your post.

    God bless you, Amy

  7. You came to CA for your vacation, and I went to Portland--and to wonderful Camas Antiques! Thanks for the recommendation. We loved your beautiful city--especially the Rose Garden and the people; and the weather was wonderful when we were there, too.

    Many blessings,

  8. Elizabeth,

    How I love California. Seems a lovely time for you.

    God Bless you,

  9. joining you in PRAISE to GOD for his many blessings on us

  10. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time in a gorgeous location. Beautiful photos!

  11. How beautiful and restful! Belated Happy Birthday to you, friend!

  12. Are those giant blueberries! Looks like a beautiful place indeed!


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