
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Who’s the boss?


It’s hard to know when they’re ready.

Seven years old is pretty young.

When he was visiting us in June only grandson insisted he was ready and wanted to be water baptized.

When he went back home to South Carolina he kept after his mama and daddy about it.

He could clearly articulate his reasons, “God is the Boss of my life and I want everyone to know it.”

They asked him to wait until they were back in Portland so Papa could baptize him.

Today was his big day.

There wasn’t one bit of shyness, nervousness, timidity as he stood and declared Whose he is.



I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-picking blackberries with my grandkids

-dinner with the whole family at my nephew’s

-ministering with my friend

-two precious days at the beach with all our children and grandchildren

-playing by and in the sea



-morning devotions on the back deck of the beach house

-the whole family playing together

-clam chowder!

-beautiful sunset

-deer almost close enough to touch!

-staying up late with my three daughters talking and laughing

-blue skies


-soft sand

-kite flying


-grandson’s water baptism

-another person from the apartments next to the church offices water baptized

-friends excited to go to Ghana and help our kids with some building projects

-a matinee with my daughters


Gratefully yours,



  1. What a blessing to have your hubby baptize your grandson! He is a special young man and I'm thrilled to know he knows Who's the boss!

  2. Celebrating your grandson's baptism with you! Praise God. What a blessing that you were there, with camera, with hubby, with God. He is so faithful, so good.

  3. Does it get any better than this - this side of heaven????

  4. Beautiful! I teach our only "Sunday School" class in our congregation of aged and aging. We spent yesterday on baptism, considering the Jewish tradition of "washing," John the Baptist's baptism of repentance and remission of sins under the Mosaic covenant, and the baptism of Jesus and then the baptism of the new Christians thereafter. The Book of Acts is definitely an instruction manual, in our opinion. Good for your grandson!

  5. I just love to see children following the Lord in this manner! Thank you for visiting my blog this morning!

  6. Children following Jesus. Such a blessing and tonic for a grandma's heart. :)

  7. Beautiful.My 7 year old chose to be baptized back in January. He didn't waver in his confession, either. Faith of a child! :)
    Thanks for sharing your blessings.

  8. Such wonderful news. I can only imagine the feeling of seeing a child whom you love so much say, "Yes" to Jesus as Lord and Savior. What a blessing.

    Kite it and am looking forward to days of doing it with my son.

  9. congrats on the baptism.
    loved the picture of the kites.

  10. A memory your grandson will never forget especially since it was his Grandpa who baptized him. It makes me cry to see someone so young KNOW Who he belongs to. Oh, to become like a child instead of trying to be grownup and in control!!

  11. What a blessing to have your grandson water baptized, and by his grandfather! Beautiful list and pictures today.

  12. How wonderful--getting to celebrate your grandson's baptism.

    You are one blessed lady dear friend and I rejoice with you.

    Much love,


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