
Monday, September 5, 2011

35 years and counting…


I remember going to a conference and attending a class called

“The Spiritual Differences Between Men and Women”. 

I couldn’t believe my ears because up until that moment I thought we were the only ones in the whole world made like this, so different like this.

In these 35 years who knew the lows would be so low

or the highs so high.

If that 19 year old girl would have known what she knows now,

would she have been so afraid of the lows that comes with two so different becoming one,

that she would have missed the highs of two so different becoming one?

This I know of a surety at age 54 that I didn’t have at age 19,

God’s lovingkindness fills them all,

the highs and the lows and all of the ordinary in betweens,

and all of it a reason to give Him thanks.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-feeling a change of season in the cool morning air

-love in a coffee cup

-how everyone in the family adores our little miracle girl


-youngest daughter’s yummy rhubarb blackberry pie

-40 garlic chicken

-our whole family home and crowded around the table for dinner together

-a fire in the outdoor fire pit, making s’mores with the grandkids

-youngest daughter able to open her heart to me and ask for prayer

-visiting OMSI with the grandbabies

-“racing” only grandson on our walk around the neighborhood

-the Hub’s wisdom and plan in an area we’ve both been praying about for a long time

-God’s provision, even in the little things

-my mother in law’s joy at seeing her great grandbabies




-a beautiful day together


(Papa and only grandson going to the opening UW Huskies football game,


me and middle daughter and oldest granddaughter having a “girl day”)


-enjoying beautiful Lake Washington


-God’s strength to let go and say good-bye as daughter and grandbabies flew home to South Carolina to make final preparations before returning to Ghana


-blessed Sunday, even on Labor Day weekend!

-celebrating our anniversary

-things to look forward to


Gratefully yours,




  1. Happy Anniversary, Elizabeth! As usual, I was blessed by your list. The last picture made my heart hurt.

  2. Congratulations, dear friend. Asking God to bless you with at least thirty five more wonderful years sharing His grace together! Prayers for you and your dear ones. Thank you for sharing your gratitudes - there is much to be thankful for - and your beautiful photos. God is good. All the time!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Sweet, sweet blessings this week.

  4. Congratulations on 35 years and here's to 35 more! May your blessings continue!

  5. Elizabeth ~ that is so very much what life is all about ~
    What precious blessings!

  6. Happy Anniversary to you. Wow, we are the same age. :)
    I love your family pics and the truth spoken here:
    This I know of a surety at age 54 that I didn’t have at age 19, (I was 25 and still didn't know)

    God’s lovingkindness fills them all,

    the highs and the lows and all of the ordinary in betweens,

    and all of it a reason to give Him thanks.

  7. Happy Anniversary, Elizabeth! What a wonderful list of blessings.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Precious, precious, precious-as I'd expect.

  9. Happy Anniversary. A delight to meet you today. i hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip my toes in God;s goodness.

    Be blessed bunches,

  10. Happy Anniversary! And I know exactly what you mean. I have to say that I LOVE your photos; you're so good at photography.

    Keep on counting those blessings.

    Blessings and love,

  11. Happy Anniversary! What lovely Family Photos... you can feel the Love...

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  12. Your reflections on marriage are SO true...your heart so full and open that it spills out onto me!

    May God bless your family, gathered and scattered.

  13. Congrats to you and your husband's 35th anniversary!! Your photos are always gorgeous. They make me want to take a trip to your area and see the beauty only My Daddy can make!! May THE BLESSING rest on you and your family.


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