
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

And so I hope…



He said,”The glory You have given me, I have given to them.”

I read it there on printed page

I know these Words are Truth

Yet my mind can’t wrap around this

God’s glory in us

All I see are broken vessels

Clay pots, misshapen and cracked

This is His glorious church?

How can it be?

Me so broken, us so broken

So I follow the golden thread of this word “glory”

Through the tapestry of the New Testament

The momentary afflictions of this life work in us

Produce in us eternal glory

Creation groans and waits and waits and groans

For the day His glory is revealed in us

Through us in its fullness

When He comes again He will be revealed in the fullness of His glory

And we, imagine that!

no longer misshapen

no longer cracked

we will be revealed with Him in glory

The glory of God revealed in its fullness in the Son

and in His people, His bride

And so I hope

Waiting and groaning, groaning and waiting

For that great day


Still following,



  1. It will be so incredible to be free of our brokenness and sinful natures...

  2. Hi Elizabeth, it's always such a pleasure to stop by. I love this. So beautiful and true. We cannot understand it fully with our limited natural mind, but through revelation, our spirit knows. Yet, only in part. We see only in part now.

    The best I could describe His glory in us--His imperfect church, cracked, flawed, broken vessels--is we are the image of His Son. That is who we are. There, in Him, is all the glory. This is Who our Father sees and this is Who we must see ourselves as. Anything else falls short and that is why so many of us act as less at times.

    I pray this gives you a little more of a glimpse. ;)
    Much love,

  3. I groan for His day of glory to begin, too. And partly, because of creations groanings. Thanks for this peek into Glory.

  4. It is so hard for me to believe too. How can this be? We are blessed beyond imagination. Hope--it is a gift in itself.

  5. what a beautiful day it will be once it gets here....keep shining as you walk in creations groaning...

  6. I want that day...when the brokenness falls away and beauty rises.

  7. Yes, what a wonderful day that will be.

  8. oh, me too... i grieve too, friend. i've been praying for God to fill me with such grace for all people as we wait. beautiful write. xo

  9. Looking forward to a seamless uncracked pot. More looking forward to meeting Jesus -- the One who made it possible.

  10. I am so thankful God loves me despite my brokenness. I truly do not deserve His love.


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