
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beautiful Maine…


Those of you who played along on yesterday’s post, you are good guessers!

Yes, we flew late Sunday night from Portland, Oregon and arrived in Portland, Maine mid-morning Eastern time Monday morning.  We ate Maine blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and then started driving up the coast to Bar Harbor, Maine and spent Monday night there.

For those of you who don’t know, my mama was raised in Maine.  Her inheritance to us provided for this dream trip.

Except Maine isn’t the dream part of the trip.  I LOVE Maine, but have been there other times.  The place I’ve never been is to the place of Mama’s birth.  So today we’re on the way there.  Here’s your next clue in “Where’s Elizabeth”, except this time guess where I’m going.



In the meanwhile, here are some more photos from Bar Harbor and the drive up the Maine coastal highway.







It’s great sharing my adventures with you!


Still following,



  1. Oh, it's so beautiful there.

    The first place that popped into my mind was Nova Scotia, then Prince Edward Island.

  2. Love your photos. I'm still not guessing - 'cuz you told me where you were going! So glad you're following your dream.

  3. My first guess is Prince Edwards Island. It's really the only place I know of up there and I've always wanted to see where "Anne of Green Gables" was filmed. Have a wonderful time!

  4. Oh, I wish I had been around yesterday. I love guessing games, and I think I might have guess Maine.

    Easy to say NOW, isn't it.

    I will just die if you are headed to Prince Edward Island. That would be a dream come true in this family of Anne of Green Gables lovers. Just a dream come true.

  5. Prince Edward Island is my guess as well! Then I shall simply faint with jealousy. :)

  6. I just adore Maine, Elizabeth! Hubby and I stayed in Kennebunkport for a long weekend many years ago and totally fell in love with the beautiful homes, the crashing ocean, and the awesome countryside! I'd live there in a heartbeat! :)

    xoxo laurie


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