
Sunday, September 11, 2011

His delight is in us…


Sometimes His love is overwhelming.


Today during worship we sang a song by Hillsong United from a few years back.

I will bless the Lord forever,
And I will trust Him at all times.
He has delivered me from all fear,
And He has set my feet upon the Rock.

I will not be moved, and I'll say of the Lord:
You are my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer,
My Shelter, Strong Tower, my very present help in time of need.

Whom have I in Heaven but you.
There's no one I desire beside You.

You have made me glad, and I'll say of the Lord:
You are my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliverer,
My Shelter, Strong Tower, my very present help in time of need.

My very present help in time of need.

As we worshipped I felt God speak to my heart that many of us have a view of God rolling His eyes in annoyance at us that He has to be our Shield, Strength, Deliverer.  We think we’re a big bother to God, a pain in His neck so to speak.  While we sang God spoke to my heart just the opposite.  He delights in being these things to us.  He delights when we declare aloud that we trust Him, when we declare Who He is in our lives with our lips.  I had a picture come to my heart of Him throwing back His head and sounds of deep laughter rolling out of Him and great joy coming from Him as we were singing.

Isn’t He the best Papa ever?!?


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-that I can trust Him at all times

-that He delivers me from all fear

-that He’s my Shield

-that He’s my Strength

-that He’s my Portion

-that He’s my Deliverer

-that He’s my Shelter 

-that He’s my Strong Tower

-that He’s my very present help

-quiet time with Jesus

-sweet, silly granddaughter




-praying with my brother over the phone, him sick in the hospital in another state

-Precept’s Colossians study

-brother much better and home from the hospital

-healing “girl time” with an old friend that I’d grown apart from


Gratefully yours,




  1. I love that song by Hillsong! The words are so beautiful and true!
    What a pretty little granddaughter you have. I'm glad you've had a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Love Hilsong. I was overwhelmed by God's love today in our worship service. My brain cannot understand it. Loved your list today. So glad your brother is feeling better.

  3. Just the reminder I need for today! Finding Him to be all He said He would be!

  4. Such a powerful list! And your photos are beautiful. :)

  5. Look at that precious little punkin'!


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