
Saturday, September 24, 2011

My fortress…


This photo is of the old Civil War fort near Popham Beach, Maine,

taken last week on our trip back east to Maine and the Canadian Maritimes.

The verse is from Psalm 91, one of my favorite chapters.

The Lord has been speaking to my heart a lot about trust lately.

Distrust equals dishonor.

If I don’t trust Him, I am not honoring Who He is.

His very nature is Trustworthy, Faithful, True.


Still following,



  1. A mighty fortress is our God,
    a bulwark never failing;
    our helper he amid the flood
    of mortal ills prevailing.
    For still our ancient foe
    doth seek to work us woe;
    his craft and power are great,
    and armed with cruel hate,
    on earth is not his equal.

    Your post made me think of this classic hymn and the words of Martin Luther. Thanks

  2. I loved your thoughts and the picture today. This is one of my first times on your blog and I will pop back in a again.
    Blessings to you and keep on enjoying the moments.
    Living Waters by LeAnn @

  3. Elizabeth,
    A timely word for me. Thank you for the thoughts to ponder.

  4. Yes, Trust can be a difficult one at times I must confess. When I'm not sure what will be allowed to play out it can often be unsettling for me and I have to bring myself back to Center and remember that whatever His Will is, His Word has Promises for me attached to it that have a good End... it's the "Going Through" that can be the bumpy part! *Winks* I love the little saying that says: "Everything will be okay in the End, if it's not okay, it's not the End."

    Thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed coming along virtually with us, my BFF's Mom was only going to be in Town for a short while so we wanted to take her everywhere so she could see it all and score some Found Treasures to bring back to Texas with her. She's 70 years young and amazing, she left us in her dust! *Winks* See, Junquing does have the fringe benefits of keeping one Youthful & Energetic! *LOL*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  5. so thankful that you were able to make this trip & such a wonderful old landmark to capture - and then put this verse with it! Such inspiration. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Oh I love this!! The capture is amazing, but the words dug deep into my heart and have definitely rooted. I needed this tonight. I am so thankful you chose this verse... this capture. Thank you for sharing. :) God Bless.

  7. Lovely illustration Elizabeth. Trust and faith go hand in hand and by the way this world is ever changing we are going to need to trust Him more and more.

    Glad to meet another blogger who stands with Israel

    from leavesnbloom photography

  8. Thanks for this, I really need to be reminded of this so much.

  9. YES! Trust is a lesson we learn incrementally, it seems to me. Every morning I need to put my life into "trust" gear....every night I re-trust myself into His keeping.

    One of my favorite gospel songs is "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus". Last line of chorus says, "Oh for grace to trust Him more...."

  10. So true, Elizabeth! Great photo! I love the image of God as our strong tower, the righteous run into Him and are saved. Amen!

  11. Trust is a lesson that I learned the hard way, through my daughter's cancer, the loss of jobs and such, God has been ever faithful. I know He will not let anything happen in our lives that is not his perfect will. Unless we make stupid choices, but through constant communication with Him, hopefully we will always make the right choices.
    A good word to start the day with.
    Thank you so much for coming over to my blog and introducing yourself.
    Are you a US citizen also?
    Hugs to another Canadian,


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