
Monday, September 19, 2011

Sea worthy…

We are winding up our vacation where we began it.

We drove from Nova Scotia back to Portland, Maine today.

We typically take rest and relax style vacations, but the purpose of this trip was traveling and sightseeing and connecting with the people and places of my Mama’s birthplace, (P.E.I.), and where she grew up, (Bath, Maine).

We’ve seen much of beautiful Maine and the lovely Canadian Maritimes in 10 days.

After a long day in the car today, we arrived in Bath, Maine

in time to have dinner by the harbor before checking into a hotel for the night.

When downloading some photos from the past couple of days

I couldn’t resist playing with Kim Klaussen’s autumn burst texture.

021 copy

047 copy


All photos edited with one layer of autumn burst texture at multiply mode.

The first photo was set at 100 percent opacity, the second at 75 percent and the last at 50 percent.

My favorite is the second one.


Still following,




  1. Beautiful - I really love the second shot.

  2. This is so beautiful, Elizabeth. Enjoy your time. It's such a beautiful time of year up there.

    Much love,

  3. I love these. I like the second one, too.

  4. Sounds like such a lovely trip. Your photos are beautiful and the autumn burst texture looks really great with them. The second one is my favorite.

  5. Your photos are wonderful, as always. I've enjoyed each one you've shared with us. The second one today is my favorite, too.

  6. I'm so glad you shared these awesome photographs. We don't seem to have any lobster traps here in Oklahoma. It's good to get the opportunity to see things that are common in other parts of the country.

  7. oh my...completely... LOVELY...
    thank you for linking to tt! xxo, kim

  8. Wonderful photos as always ; I love the " story " of the second one , too! Great job !

  9. These are all great! I love the second one too. I went through your trip blog posts. What a wonderful way to celebrate your anniversaries!


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