
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walking in the places of Mama’s beginnings…




This morning we flew back home, crossing the continent from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon.

We said goodbye to Maine as the sun rose all pink and orange over the Atlantic.

I watched it from the plane window, the line of flame separating sea from sky.

My eyes traced the winding coast line.

Ribbons of gauzy fog wound here and there among the blue-green trees of the Maine woods.

Minutes later God covered it all up with a downy, white, comforter of clouds.

I turned away from the window, and set my face toward home.

But there, beneath that downy blanket, I left a piece of my heart

tucked safe and cozy along with the memories

of downeast accents like the one that Mama had traces of ‘til the day she died,

of lobster dinners and Maine blueberry pancake breakfasts, (and pie, oh my, that pie!),



of colonial houses and brick sidewalks,


of expressions just like Mama’s seen in my aunt’s face,


of cousins reconnected with after years apart,

of crashing waves on sandy beaches,


the light house in the distance the very same one we had etched into Mama’s gravestone,


of happy laughter with my sister as we shared the journey,


walking there in the places of our Mama’s beginnings.


Still following,



  1. this sounds and looks like a rather amazing trip...lovely, think you can send me some of that pie? smiles.

  2. I'm so glad you could walk where your mama walked so many years ago - an awakening, for sure. A trip of a lifetime that will stay in your heart forever!

  3. Beautiful pictures. Makes me want even more that huge piece of acreage with a old rock home and barn. I'm glad you were able to go to the places your Mama had lived before. Your pictures makes me realize and awesome and good God is. He gives us such variety!!

  4. oh elizabeth, how you captured 'home' in this post... so much love. e.

  5. hi ..thanks for sharing such lovely pictures and story.walk down the memory lane is a essential part of our lifetime..God bless.


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