
Monday, September 12, 2011

Where’s Elizabeth?

The Hubs and I, along with my sister and brother in law, are on a dream trip in celebration of our 35th anniversary and their 40th.  I am not sure how much I will be online for the next week or so, but I thought it would be fun when I have the time and the wi-fi access to post “clues” and have you leave a comment guessing where we are. 




So, where am I?

Still following,



  1. Somewhere on the Atlantic coast. My guess is Maine!

  2. Hmmm...I was going to say somewhere in New England, but maybe I'll go with the others and narrow it down to Maine :)

  3. The lobster roll made me think Maine. If so, you'll have to share it all. That's one of our dream destinations.

    Happy Anniversary! My parents will be married 49 years on the 14th.

  4. It looks a lot like Bar Harbor, Maine...

  5. Thrilled you can get away and take your dream trip. I'm not guessing - 'cuz I know. Love what you're sharing. Can't wait to see more. Have a great time and tell us all about it when you return.

  6. Don't know but it sure is beautiful. My husband and I just celebrated our "25th" this past weekend in the Florida Keys. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  7. Definitely the Northeast somewhere...I think the sailing ship did it for me, although that's a lobster roll, isn't it? Happy Anniversary.....I hope my husband and I can do something special on our 35th two years from now!

  8. I think you're in Maine, a place I'm dying to visit! Hope you are having the loveliest of times!


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