
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blessings that come wrapped in change…


She’s a wee bit out of sorts lately.

Changes, changes, changes.

Last month Mama and Daddy and she moved from their large, roomy house with the wee, little yard

to a wee, little house with a large, roomy yard.

They moved so they could live in the same neighborhood where they’ve planted their church.

She cried saying, “I want to go home!”

Changes are hard.

But wrapped up with this change came a friendly neighborhood with much more of a community feel,

lovely places within walking distance,

fun parks with swings and slides to play on.

The biggest change is only a month away.

She’s going to be a big sister.

She can’t lay her head on Mama’s lap without baby sister kicking her in the head from within Mama.

She’s moved into a big girl bed now, so baby sister can have the crib.

Yes, changes are hard.

Little does she know that wrapped in this season of difficulty will come one of life’s biggest blessings.

A sister…

someone to laugh with, squabble with, share secrets with, play with…

a life long friend.

Sometimes our biggest blessings come wrapped up in difficulty,

in change,

in being stretched beyond what’s comfortable.

In the season of change

it helps if you’ve trained your eyes to look for

the blessing that is wrapped within.



I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-beautiful fall day for a walk

-dinner with oldest daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter followed by a walk in their new neighborhood,

playing at the park and gelato!


-phone calls with my daughter in Missouri and my daughter and grandbabies in South Carolina

-blue, blue sky, green, green evergreens, fire-y colored autumn leaves

-juicy oranges

-fuzzy tailed squirrel jumping from fence to tree

-my online community group for women in ministry

-two days of learning how to study the Bible inductively

-laughter and fun with a new friend

-another wonderful Sunday of great worship, great word, and God touching lives

Gratefully yours,



  1. **it helps if you’ve trained your eyes to look for

    the blessing that is wrapped within**

    beauty in those words.
    i need to write them down
    and remember them.

  2. Hi Elizabeth, I have been blogging about changes myself..I agree with your thoughts entirely..she is young and it won't take long for her to settle again and love the new!

  3. Oh, so many changes in her young, sweet life. She is so blessed! Thank you for your words today - the first day of some big changes for us. Changes that bring many blessings, I believe!

  4. And I'm grateful for your blog, Elizabeth...and that unbelievable song!

  5. "Sometimes our biggest blessings come wrapped up in difficulty, in change, in being stretched beyond what’s comfortable." - I needed this today. Thank you!

  6. love the post...and pictures...Love..look for the blessings wrapped within...amen...

  7. Yep, blessings can come with change. And change can be difficult. But change can be worth it. LOVE the pics.

  8. Elizabeth, this is one of the most touching things I've read of yours. Starting with that picture – that's a heartbreaker of a picture – and just one month away – just one month away and a mama again – blessings hidden, like the baby in the womb. I can't say much else other than this took a big chunk of my heart. Thank you. And since there is a thank you list attached – I need to pick a favorite – and who can resist a squirrel? Laska the love Kitty seconds my vote. God bless you. Elizabeth and your babies and your hubs and your new church.

  9. beautiful post--I am so thankful for my biological sister and for all the lovely Christian sisters I've met online--


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