
Monday, October 24, 2011

An orange in the toe…

Sweet, juicy oranges remind me that Christmas is on the way.


When I was a little girl our Christmas stockings always had a orange in the toe,

then some nuts still in the shell and a few candies.


Oranges were a treat and the few gifts under the tree were anticipated

with butterflies in the tummy excitement

and dreamed about at night.


I feel a bit sorry for the overindulged children who don’t know what it is to really savor a juicy orange

or to anticipate, dream about, long for, the one or two rare, but oh so special,

gifts they will open Christmas morning.


Yes,  oranges remind me that Christmas is just around the corner.

What reminds you of your childhood holidays?


Still following,



  1. What a sweet memory. My daughter had a Christmas catalog out today, circling everything her little heart desired. The only thing I can ever remember getting for Christmas was a doll.

  2. Stockings at my house were the same. An orange and walnuts in the shell, a few candies and a few precious trinkets. My favorite thing to open on christmas morning. Thanks for reminding me of that sweet memory.

  3. same in our family .. a few pieces of fruit actually. our most memorable Christmas was the one when my husband was out of work. to make ends meet beyond the little bit received those 4 months of unemployment, he worked odd jobs for folks and i cleaned houses (taking 6 year old lizzie with me). one night at bedtime prayers she touched our hearts with the words, "thank you God for what we have, and thank you God for what we don't have." touched deep .. spoke volumes, those simple words. our Christmas that year was spare - the sparest of spare. all lizzie wanted was a kick stand for her little pink bike. so rocky and went shopping and found the perfect shiny one for $2.97 plus tax. come Christmas morning her stocking held 3 pieces of fruit, a few little candies and socks .. and when she opened our only gift to her, she cried happy and heartfelt tears. the best Christmas ever. that year.

  4. Christmas always has oranges and bananas! When my mother was a child my grandma didn't have much to make Christmas special so she went to her back yard in California and picked sweet oranges, diced them and a few bananas, mixed them up and sprinkled a little sugar over them - then served them in pretty little bowls for Christmas morning breakfast. My mother did that when I was a child and it's my favorite part of Christmas. We still do it. I loved it so much I asked to have oranges and bananas for breakfast on my wedding day! Something small that meant so much.

  5. Yes....we had oranges in our stockings, too! One other gift (5 kids ...Dad was a schoolteacher and a farmer) was under the tree.

  6. What a great memory - I don't associate oranges with Christmas...I associate the breakfast casserole with christmas!

  7. Loved this. We always had oranges in the toe, too. In fact, we have always put them in the girls' stockings since it was a tradition for my husband as well.

    Oranges make me think Christmas.
    So does hot chocolate.


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