
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Prodigal daughters…

As I young mama, my heart bursting with love

For our three little girls

Two brown eyed girls with brown hair and one blue eyed blond

I prayed they would love and serve God wholeheartedly

And I just knew they would

My faith was unshakeable on this

They weren’t little saints floating along

Feet unmuddied by this world

But neither was their mama

All three chose Jesus

And never let Him go

All three chose a life of leading other’s to Him

Amazing grace in spite of our imperfect parenting

Then through the years

We gathered spiritual daughters into our lives

Into our hearts

Sometimes even into our home

And I knew for the first time what it was to not be sure

To not be sure that they would choose God and His ways

And then some broke our hearts and didn’t

And went right back into the muck and mire of their past

And I knew what it was to suffer a broken heart as only a mama can

And the tears still come when I think of them

But by faith I still pray

By faith I still listen for the ring of the phone

By faith I still scan the computer for a message

By faith I keep watch out the window

Praying, hoping, believing

that they’ll find the path

that leads back Home


Still following,



{Will you pray with me for three prodigals that are on my heart today?}


  1. Through my tears - I am praying! You know I wait and watch - and believe - for my prodigal girl. By faith!

  2. i was a prodigal i have hope...smiles.

  3. oh the faith accompanied by pain...pray Grace and hope to hold you as you hold them before the throne...

  4. Keep the faith. We serve a BIG God and these girls are in His care. Hope.

  5. I just DID (pray) for yours and many, many others.

  6. yes..i'll join in.
    wherever 2 or more are gathered in My name...

  7. oh friend. praying now. may he run down the path to meet them and bring them home...

  8. Praying with you and so many others, Elizabeth. Sometimes the journey is long back to God, sometimes short. I pray their path is pointed home already.

  9. Oh, Elizabeth! I know how you feel, but I have faith you will see these daughters return "home" because of your prayers! Just recently, God answered my prayers for a prodigal sister! Even though I know my God is BIG, I wondered if she was too far away to listen, but God is faithful. Not only is her relationship with the Father restored, but He has already begun using her to reach others! Praise God!! I was so tickled I did a post about it...

    All this to say, if God can bring my sister back, He can certainly bring your "daughters" back! I have the faith and I will definitely join you in prayer!


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